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请不要把你的思想强加给我。Don't inflict your ideas on me.

不要伤害任何人。Don't inflict damage on any person.

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但是诺维奇这种放平心态更像是恐惧。But Norwich were to inflict more frights.

别劝酒,不要以为你喜欢喝我就喜欢喝。Do no inflict your favorite drinks on me.

你从此章看到谎言对家庭有何破坏力?What damages will a lie inflict on a family?

这场泡沫的破灭将造成广泛的影响。The bursting of the bubble will inflict broad damage.

其目的是给对手以彻底的毁灭性打击。The object is to inflict out-and-out damage on your adversary.

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纯粹是一个威胁——一个你所选择的,殃及我们所有人的危险分子。Except a menace —a danger you've chosen to inflict on all of us.

那是没有哪一位父母应该带给孩子的罪行!It was the crime that no parent should inflict upon their children!

但是如果白人的愤怒真的一发而不可收拾,这才是真的恐怖。But the damage angry whites could inflict if they really go off—that's scary.

在之前的审判中,她告诉法庭“要以眼还眼以牙还牙,让他遭受和我一样的痛苦”。"Inflict the same life on him that he inflicted on me," she had told the court.

丁总也发现了魏海洋的隐秘,施以压力。Ding Zong also discovered deep-sea of the Kingdom of Wei is secret, inflict pressure.

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我们不会做任何不公正的事,我们必然会反对任何试图做不公正之事的人。We shall not inflict any injustice on anyone, neither shall we allow anyone to do so.

谁给了你或者其他任何人特权去故意破坏任何事物了?Who gave you or anyone else the privilege to intentionally inflict damage upon anything?

手掌大小的拼图,这些几乎是太曲折邪恶造成对您和您的朋友。These palm size puzzles are almost too deviously evil to inflict on you and your friends.

这是因为大家都怕这个贼寇会突然出其不意地伤害自己。Why?This is because they are afraid that the villain would inflict personal harm to them.

展览会的目的是集中揭露毒品对社会和家庭造成的危害。The exhibition was intended to spotlight the damage drugs inflict upon society and family.

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除非你是一个彻头彻尾的傻瓜,或者是一真人秀的制片人,否则没有人想徒增烦恼和痛苦。Unless you're a complete jackass or a reality show producer, nobody wants to inflict pain.

可她却是那么天真无邪,心怀坦荡,浑然不觉这些亲密的小动作给我带来了多少痛苦!Her innocent, pure heart never knows what agony these little familiarities inflict upon me.

炸弹将对塞尔维亚的军事和经济设施造成严重破坏。The bombs would inflict great damage on the military and economic infrastructure of Serbia.