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LAMV在空气动力方面是稳定的。The LAMV is aerodynamically stable.

在空气动力学平稳鼻锥将在发射航天器的保护。The aerodynamically smooth nose cone will protect the spacecraft during launch.

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如图所示是利用空气动力学的喷射设备。The CAB-2 is the aerodynamically assisted jetting equipment shown on the figure below.

你在这条赛道上必须拥有强劲的空气动力学,我认为我们的赛车在这方面很出色。It's a circuit where you need to be strong aerodynamically and I think our car is good in that respect.

该设计空气动力学稳定,提供给战斗机较高的灵活性,低空盘旋性能和爬升性能。The design is aerodynamically unstable, to provide a high level of agility, low drag and enhanced lift.

分析结果表明,在马赫数大于1.2时,探测器处于一个比较稳定的状态。The results show that the entry vehicle is aerodynamically stable when the Mach number is more than1.2.

为了有效作为电动车,就必须合理地小,低,空气动力学效率。In order to be effective as an electric car, it would have to be reasonably small, low, and aerodynamically efficient.

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如果这枚导弹不具备至少与目标飞机一样的速度,而且在空气动力学方面的敏捷程度也不如那架目标敌机,那它肯定打不中目标。If the missile is not at least as fast and aerodynamically nimble as the targeted jetfighter, then it cannot hit its target.

大多数涡轮机具有三个巨大的叶片,叶片按照空气动力学原理设计,有风时极易转动。Most turbines have three huge blades that are aerodynamically designed to turn easily as possible when the wind blow on them.

本文叙述气动调节喷管性能计算的分析程序。An analytical procedure for computing the performance of aerodynamically variable geometry exhaust nozzle is presented in this paper.

丰田在摩纳哥引进了TF106B赛车,这是本赛季开始的在机械和空气动力学方面都进行了重大改进的赛车版本。Monaco saw the introduction of Toyota's TF106B, a deeply revised version of the car that started the season, both mechanically and aerodynamically.

看他启动后几乎流线型切入防守空挡,不给防守者阻止他得分的机会。To watch how he streamlines almost aerodynamically to the hole when he drives, never giving any defender a true chance at stopping him from scoring.

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鸭式无尾翼布局具有高度机动性和优越的超音速性能,但亦具有先天空气动力上之不稳定性。The tailless delta-canard configuration is inherently aerodynamically unstable, which provides a high level of agility, particularly at supersonic speeds.

HISAC是一种通过航空动力学方式构造的货箱,它由高性能的战术飞机作为货物的外体进行运输和交付。The HISAC is an aerodynamically configured cargo container which will be transported and delivered as an external store by high performance tactical aircraft.

现代的飞机设计做得很好,但立足于燃料效率来看,飞机是否能设计得更符合空气动力学--降低阻力还是增加动力?The modern airplane design works well, but from a fuel efficiency standpoint, could planes be designed more aerodynamically -- to lower drag and increase lift?

之后还有很多的项目,我们知道空气动力套件拥有的巨大潜力,所以今天只是个很好的证明。There was a lot of effort and a lot of things behind that, so we knew aerodynamically that the car had all the potential to be strong, so today is only a good proof of that.