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为了节省粮食,是一个机会主义者。To save on food , be an opportunist.

人类对于每件事都是机会主义者。Man is an opportunist above anything else.

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在书中结尾处,他给出的结论是,自然是个机会主义者。In the end, he concludes, nature is an opportunist.

小说把主人公描写成一个悲观的机会主义者。The story depicts the hero as a cynical opportunist.

我在大学的时候也有一段投机者的经历。An experience I had as an Opportunist was during college.

如果我现在表达我的悔意,人们会认为我是机会主义者。If I speak now about regrets, people will view me as an opportunist.

谁要是忽视或轻视了这一点,谁就要犯右倾机会主义的错误。Whoever overlooks or belittles this point will commit Right opportunist mistakes.

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谁要是忽视或轻视了这一点,谁就要犯“左”倾机会主义的错误。Whoever overlooks or belittles this point will commit "Left" opportunist mistakes.

只有当风暴澄清后,作为投机主义者的提列克人才能重现兴旺。Only after the storm had cleared, could the opportunist Twi'leks emerge and prosper.

我们曾和党内的机会主义倾向作斗争,右的和“左”的。We have struggled against opportunist deviations in our Party, both Right and "Left".

如果你想要每天吃九份或更多的食物,你必须成为充分利用水果与蔬菜。In order to get nine or more servings a day, you must become a fruit-and-veggie opportunist.

这是目前财政支出产生机会主义和败德行为的根源。These are the sources of opportunist and moral hazards behaviors in current public expenditure system.

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而20年代晚期则是右倾机会主义分子,托派的代表人物。In the late years of 1920s, however, he was a right opportunist and the representative person of Trotskyite.

农民自卫军如此没有把握枪枝的能力,这是机会主义路线的结果。The peasant self-defence corps were not able to hold on to their rifles as a result of the opportunist line.

所以当洗发水风波在七月袭击时,一些博客和权威人士爆料成龙是个机会主义者。So when the shampoo story surfaced in July, some bloggers and pundits blasted Chan as a calculating opportunist.

这些举措令更多人相信她是一名完全没有政治观点,以及缺乏信念的政治投机者。This reinforced her image as a political opportunist driven by polls devoid of vision and lacking in convictions.

从发现如何打碎石头制做工具切割肉类开始,人类即学着投机取巧。Discovering how to chip stones to make a tool that would cut flesh was the moment man learned to be an opportunist.

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发现如何把石头凿成可以割肉的工具的时候,就是人类学会如何利用工具的时候。Discovering how to chip stones to make a tool that would cut flesh was the moment man learned how to be an opportunist.

提姆斯愤怒地反对“保守党一个星期赞同合并,而一星期之后以因机会主义者的理由来反对它,这样做不行。”Timms angrily countered it was "not on for the Tories to support the merger one week and then oppose it for opportunist reasons a week later".

目前信用卡市场上存在的大量的机会主义行为实质上是信息不对称下的败德行为。Numerous opportunist acts in current credit card market are in essence the results of immoral behavior triggered off by asymmetrical information access.