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没有理由去改变巴西站的结果。There were no reasons to change the result in Brasil.

提供巴西进口矿石散杂船服务!Offer the Break Bulk service frm Brasil to China about Iron Ore.

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在我来中国之前被告知要尽可能快的去巴西。Bevore i went to china i was told i have to go to Brasil as fast as possible.

南德巴西测试中心也必须制定终检过程的时间表。TüV Rheinland do Brasil Ltda must also schedule the termination testing of the process.

想了解更多关于巴西中央银行增长利率计划的情况,请参阅我网页上的帖子。For more on plans by the Banco Central do Brasil to raise interest rates, see this post on my website.

米兰-迪达、卡卡和卡福所在的巴西队在阿布扎比以8-0取得了和阿联酋友谊赛的胜利。MILAN – Dida, Kakà and Cafu's Brasil national side defeated UAE 8-0 in a friendly played in Abu Dhabi.

随着中国、巴西、南亚和非洲的崛起,世界地缘政治的重组似乎无可避免。Between China Brasil South Asia and Africa rising the realignment of the world's geo-politics appears inevitable.

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“因为找不到信息我来到机场,我的父母都非常担心,”他告诉巴西通讯社的记者。"I came to the airport because I wasn't finding information, and my parents are very nervous, " he told Agencia Brasil.

旅游者每天晚上巨大在巴西北部杰瑞卡的沙丘面前排成一行,来观看那里的夕阳Sunset in Jericoacoara nothern Brasil. Travellers line the giant sand dunes every evening during this time to watch the event.

巴西之家是一所提供多元化及特色服务的场地,运营范围包括巴西烧烤餐厅,巴西屋咖啡,巴西特色商店及巴西商务中心。Casa Brasil is a featured venue where contains Brazilian churrasco restaurant, Café Casa Brasil, Brazilian product retail store and business center.

我们正在安排一个巴西战舞上海和香港队的交流,时间定了六月初总共7天的课程,两个周末,四个教练!The first Intercambio of Grupo Capoeira Brasil is coming during the first two weeks of June! 7 days of workshops across two weekends 4 teachers and many friends, come and join the fun!

我们正在安排一个巴西战舞交流,时间定了六月初总共7天的课程,两个周末,五个教练!The first Intercambio of Grupo Capoeira Brasil is coming during the first two weeks of June! 7 days of workshops across two weekends 5 teachers and many friends, come and join the fun!

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考虑到要约实现的提供者为巴西电信的小股东,收购的总价格可能会上升到123亿雷布尔。The total price tag for the takeover may rise to 12.3 billion reais, taking into consideration an offer for Brasil Telecom's minority shareholders, Oi Chief Executive Luiz Eduardo Falco said.