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这种窃听方式为“基于混杂模式的嗅探”。Such as wiretapping mode called "sniffer base on intermix mode".

出于实用目的,在混合使用多个词汇表时,才需要前缀。For practical purposes, prefixes are required when you intermix vocabularies.

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这些作品中,他写道,混杂与超越的元素的经验世界。These works, he writes, intermix the empirical world with a transcendent element.

为什么另一个宇宙要将自己和地球所在的宇宙混杂在一起呢?。Why did another universe intermix itself with the universe of which Earth is a part?

数个层面能够并确实相互渗透,无需知晓所涉及的特别层面的居民的知识。Planes can and do intermix without the knowledge of the inhabitants of the particular planes involved.

人类学会了操控DNA,并混合了如果自然界自我繁衍的话永远不会混合的东西。Humans learned to manipulate DNA and intermix that which may have never intermixed if left to natural world procreation.

坦普尔还向上诉人的内部会计专家小组的一位成员发送了一封电邮,并附上一份文件政策副本。Temple also sent an email to a member of petitioner′s intermix team of accounting experts and attached a copy of the document policy.

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另外,我们移民,流通而且混杂在一起这使得你不在处于隔离状态,而这个状态又正是进化发生的必要条件。And by the way, we immigrate and circulate and intermix so much that you can't any longer have the isolation that is necessary for evolution to take place.

为了获得良好的改性效果,现有粉体表面改性方法都需对粉体和改性剂进行加热和机械搅拌、混合。To gain the fine modification effect, the existing means of surface modification need to heat, to mechanical stir and to intermix the powder and the modifier.

然后,结合迎春林业局地处三江平原,农林混杂情况严重的现状,对其生态脆弱性和重要性情况进行了分析。Then, combining with the status in quo of locating in SanJiang plain and intermix with fanning and forest, The author analysised its eco-frangibility and eco-essentiality.

这些习惯用法的聪明之处在于彼此可以和平共处,任何用户可以自由地混合使用这两种习惯用法,也可以坚持使用其中的一种。The brilliance of these idioms is that they coexist quite peacefully with each other. Any user can freely intermix the two idioms, or stick consistently with one or the other.

提出一种新的港口吞吐量预测混合算法,基于天津港的历史数据进行了实证研究。A new intermix algorithm for prediction of port throughput is proposed and an empirical study was carried out on the basis of the historical information and data of Tianjin Port.

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又因为疾病可以在野生动物和家畜之互传,已经在牧场主和自然资源保护学家之间产生冲突。And because the disease can be transmitted between wild and farmed animals, its appearance in areas where these species intermix has caused clashes between ranchers and conservationists.

反应多层膜系一种新型纳米含能材料。一般地,反应多层膜由两种或多种可相互发生放热反应的材料通过物理沉积法交替沉积在基底上形成。Nano-scale reactive multilayer film is a novel kind of energetic material which is generally prepared by alternatively depositing two or more materials that can intermix with each other.