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“说得好,海精灵,”人鱼副官说道,“依卓洛在上!”Well said, sea elf, " the merman second said."

“这出什么事了?”长着灰胡须的男人鱼问道。"What happened here?" the gray-bearded merman asked.

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在这个特殊的国度男人鱼与美人鱼一直过得很快乐。In this special place merman and mermaids were always happy.

如同众多神话一样,关于雌性和雄性美人鱼的传奇故事始于天神崇拜。The mermaid and merman legends begin with the worship of god as have many mythologies.

舍姆森耸耸肩,离开了人鱼的手,也拒绝了他的帮助。“到港口之前我会照顾自己的。”Shemsen shrugged off the merman 's hand and offer. Til tend myself when I get to the harbor.

猎海师的儿子悄悄的溜进了关押人鱼的密室,并且救出了小人鱼。The son of hunt sea division stealthily smooth entered lock up the penetralia of merman, and rescued small merman.

“人鱼宝宝”的医学病例引发了一场关于安乐死的现代意义与原本意义的争论。The controversy on the original meaning and the modern meaning of euthanasia resulted from the case of " Merman Baby".

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但莫曼与沃伯格说,乔治的进食情况不错,也展现牠的一些老习惯,像是会朝墙上的闪灯跳扑过去。But Merman and Walburg say George is eating well and displaying some of his old behavior, like jumping at flickering light on the wall.

海水当然很冷,但几秒钟以后貌似有一层温暖的银色肌肤裹住了我的身体,就像是穿上了美人鱼的鳞甲。Of course the water is very cold, but after a few seconds it seems to coat the body in a kind of warm silvery skin, as if one had acquired the scales of a merman.

而当我发现一个潜在的人肉炸弹时,我反倒认为他是那种坚称“泰恩·黛莉是史上最伟大的玫瑰舞后”的人,比默曼还要出色。Instead, when I spot a potential suicide bomber, I think of him as someone who insists that Tyne Daly was the greatest Mama Rose of all time, even better than Merman.

马修·阿诺德的作品重新受到关注。从他的代表性诗歌“被遗弃的雄人鱼”入手,分析了阿诺德诗歌的特点。With the renewed interest in the research of the works of Matthew Arnold, some characteristics of Arnold's poetry are studied with the illustration of the poem The Forsaken Merman.