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购买还是租用?Buy or rent?

或租一个!Or rent one.

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要买还是要租呢?To buy or to rent?

代售方或代租方。Free sell for rent.

房租太他妈高了!Rent too damn high!

学校男生宿舍出租,双人间。School dorm for rent.

我向她租了一个房间。I rent a room from her.

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济南租草皮?。Does Jinan rent a sward?

租了商店楼上的一层楼!Rent a flat above a shop!

租用一只猴子一个星期。Rent a monkey for a week.

我可以租钓鱼用具吗?Can I rent fishing tackle?

台北市精致租屋服务。Taipei apartment for rent.

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这个政党分裂成两派。The party was rent in two.

下星期要付房租了。The rent is due next week.

我的房租逾期未交。I've fallen behind my rent.

好的,我想租一辆彬图。Okay,I try to rent a Pinto.

我们只象征性地付一点租金。We only pay a nominal rent.

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可怕的叫声响彻云霄。A terrible cry rent the air.

我明白的,它的房钱是多少?I see. How much is the rent?

她拖欠房租。She is behind with her rent.