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纤维软骨梗塞或栓塞。Fibrocartilaginous Infarct or Embolism.

溶栓治疗是治疗血栓性疾病的安全而有效的手段。Thrombolytic therapy is an effective tool for treatment of embolism.

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手术及经导管栓塞皆是治疗此先天性疾病的选择。Both surgery and coil embolism are options for correcting this anomaly.

之后在医院,医生告诉我是肺梗塞。Later, at the hospital, the doctor told us it was a pulmonary embolism.

结论脑栓塞是大面积脑梗死的主要原因。Brain embolism was the most frequent cause in large cerebral infarction.

有深静脉血栓,肺栓塞或心脏病Have a history of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism or heart disease

化验肝功代偿好,胰腺管栓塞缓解,于3月16日出院。Assay liver, pancreas tube embolism compensatory relief, in March 16, court.

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布朗夫人在一次前往法国尼斯进行采风的途中,因栓塞而突然逝世。Brown died unexpectedly of an embolism while on a book tour in Nice, France.

慢性支气管炎、气喘、肝脓疡、肺栓塞、肋膜炎。Chronic bronchitis, asthma, hepatic abscess, pulmonary embolism or pleurisy.

缺乏烟酸时,引起糙皮病、皮肤炎、腹泻、痴呆等症。A lack of niacin , it caused pellagra, dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia embolism.

结论该方法用于脑栓塞治疗可行,有效,安全。Conclusion This method was practical, safe and effective for cerebral embolism.

系统整体护理组无下肢静脉栓塞病例。The incidence rate of lower extremity venous embolism in the SHNC group was zero.

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结果9例治愈出院,1例死于栓子脱落引起的肺栓塞。Results 9 cases recovered, 1 case died of lung embolism caused by dropped embolus.

循环系统脂肪栓塞,大血管和神经断裂等严重并发症从未发生。The circulatory system embolism and the broken of big blood vessel never happened.

我们要看如何及早发现,及早治疗深层静脉栓塞,避免肺血栓。See DVT can be detected and treated early and how Pulmonary Embolism can be avoided.

当血栓脱落并沿血流移动时造成血栓栓塞。When a clot breaks off and moves through the bloodstream, this is called an embolism.

血液凝块可以随血液循环运行到肺里,产生严重、有时甚至是致命的肺动脉栓塞。Clots can travel to the lungs causing a serious and sometimes fatal pulmonary embolism.

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死亡原因列为“迅速爬升氧气不足导致的空气栓塞。”The cause of death was listed as " air embolism due to rapid ascent, insufficient air."

结论CT应作为诊断肺栓塞的首选方法。Conclusion CT should be used as the preferred method of diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.

讨血栓静脉炎与肺栓二者间的生病之关。Discuss the pathophysiologic connection between thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism.