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注册,或查看重播。Register, or view the replay.

重温小游戏和谜题!Replay mini-games and puzzles!

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游戏玩家你想重新开始3-4关吗?Do you wish to replay level 3-4?

使用重播工具的编辑是组合不同分镜达成的。Editing with the Replay tool is done in takes.

患者必须每天在家重复听录音带。The patient must replay the tape at home, daily.

当蓝牙通话结束后,MP3需重新按键播放。When the call ended MP3 needs to replay by key-press.

这就象把我今天的谈话又重放了一遍。This is almost a replay of a conversation I had today.

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比分相平,下星期天将重赛一场。The score Was tied, there will be a replay next Sunday.

同样在1970年足总杯决赛重赛中,皮特-伯内蒂带伤出场加时赛。Peter Osgood's equaliser in the 1970 FA Cup Final replay.

也就是,他必须重新击球,加罚一杆。That is he must replay the shot with a penalty of one stroke.

赢得成就,重温找物谜题和小游戏。Earn achievements, and replay hidden-object puzzles and mini-games.

重赛将会在2月28号在伊伍德公园进行。The replay will take place at Ewood Park on Wednesday, February 28.

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你赞同为了避免像卡纳瓦罗那样的被罚出场使用现场重放吗?Are you in favour of using replay to avoid send offs like Cannavaro's?

股市投资者现在可能预期1987年股市暴跌之后的长期牛市行情将会重演。Stock market investors may anticipate a replay of that post-crash world.

在黄昏到托特纳姆作赛的足总杯四分一决赛重赛是一场破坏力十足的比赛。In the evening the FA Cup quarter-final replay at Tottenham is a cracker.

和上周末一样,贝尔斯登再次陷入绝境。In an ugly replay of the weekend before, Bear Stearns was imperiled again.

这一模式在玩家挑战自己的成绩时,增强了游戏的重玩性。This mode does bring a lot of replay value, as you try to beat your score.

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他亦是其后在白鹿巷重赛中获胜的其中一员。He was then a member of the victorious side at White Hart Lane in the replay.

比如,在这样的游戏循环下实现一个重播的函数并不难。For example, implementing a replay function in this kind of game loop is easy.

让我们重放刚描述的用来例举等待减少方法的场景。Let's replay the scenario just described to illustrate a wait reduction approach.