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无虚饰者。No Frills.

我是一个没有低价种半乳糖。I'm a no frills kind of gal.

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在它背上的橙色皱边是它的鳃。Orange frills on its back are gills.

她将之描述为红色带有粉红色饰边。She described it as red with pink frills.

她衣上俗丽的装饰使她看起来很可笑。She looked funny with her frills and furbelows.

这本小册子只谈事实,绝无矫饰。This booklet restricts itself to facts without frills.

她的酒红色天鹅绒斗篷有一个大领,廉价的装饰。Her wine-red velvet cape has a big collar and frills at the trim.

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她当时穿着白色礼服和蓝色衬衫,我永远不会忘记那一幕。She was wearing a dark blue dress with white frills. I will never forget it.

那辆车是一个基本样式,没有录音机或防晒车篷之类的装饰品。The car is a basic model with no frills such as a cassette player or sunshine roof.

直率的牙病患者科恩夫妇被领进牙医办公室。No Frills Dentist Appointment The Cohens were shown into the dentist's office, where Mr.

没有狂暴的攻势,没有华丽的场面,但就是简单的一击致命---不过这句话只能用在德国赢了的比赛。No fuss, no frills but a victory nevertheless -- only to be used if Germany wins a match.

中空纤维丝可以用来散热,就如同某些现代蜥蜴的褶边一样。Hollow filaments may have dissipated heat, much as the frills of some modern lizards do today.

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这种非正式的,低调的环境和丹尼斯的风格是相衬的。The informal, no- frills environment was typical of the way Dennis ran his business and his life.

当然,当你购物的时候,特别是买面包牛奶等小东西时,你完全不会有钱方面的问题。To be sure, money is so handy when you want to buy things, especially frills like bread and milk.

使用一个廉价的策略商店尝试是有效率的而且提供一种标准又阳春的产品。Businesses using a low-cost strategy attempt to be efficient and offer a standard, no- frills product.

目前已经露出了大约十英尺长。这些褶皱可能帮助达科他龙识别自己的同类。Ten feet of it have been uncovered so far. These frills may have helped Dakota recognize its own kind.

妇女用纽扣、蝴蝶结和花边打扮得花枝招展,被认为是有邪念的举止。Women were thought to be more provocative of sinful deliberation if gussied up in snap, bows and frills.

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从柔软的层叠褶边到波形褶边,它们可以将你的女性魅力发挥到最大。From softly cascading ruffles to frills of layers at the hem, you'll bring out your girlie best in ruffles.

经济衰退期间,服装零售商和生产商减少褶边及尝试混纺来削减服装成本。Retailers and clothing makers cut frills and experimented with fabric blends to cut prices during the recession.

如果她免去这些浮华的摆设,学会一手像样的烹调手艺,他就会把宾馆经营得较好。If she would cut out the frills and furbelows and learn to cook a decent meal she would make a better job of running a guest-house.