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寨主很是生气。Castellan is very angry.

辛平贵带寨主夫人来到家里参观。XinPingGui castellan lady came home to visit.

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牢头打开门,走向燃烧的煤炭制成的阶梯。The Castellan swung his crypt door open to reveal steps made of burning anthracite.

我想如果我能再次净化一个天空战士,城主会给我丰富的奖励的。I calculate whether I tin again purify a sky warrior, the castellan will give me luxuriant reward.

赵传奇回到住所又想向寨主要钱,寨主看只见支出没有回不愿意再给。Zhao Chuanji back home and want money to the castellan, castellan see see spending not dont want to give back.

寨主不相信觉得赵传奇是在想方设法让他们去太原城救他兄弟不同意。Castellan didnt believe think Zhao Chuanji is trying to put them in taiyuan city to save his brother dont agree.

“我不同意,”牢头说,“这两者应该是可以独存的,我基本上确信这一点。”"I disagree, " said the Castellan. "You should be able to have one without the other. I'm almost sure of that. "

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他不得而知,从城主府邸奔出的人流把这位英雄抛向了高空。He cans not know and rush the person of to flow to throw this hero from the castellan official residence to Gao Kong.

晚上突击训练惊扰了寨主,寨主有些不耐烦了,在寨主夫人的劝说下寨主默许了。Night assault training jolted the castellan, castellan some impatient, persuaded a castellan lady castellan acquiesced.

清晨,寨主夫人拿着一包私房钱交给赵传奇,让他拿着钱去尽快疏通关系。Early in the morning, Mrs Castellan carrying a bag of money to Zhao Chuanji, let him take money to smooth relations as soon as possible.

各部族的酋长和渊嘉黎要求守城将军讲述谈德的行踪等情况,当天在城门外发生的每一个细节。The leaders of the tribes and Yeongaryo ask a castellan about Damdeok's whereabouts and ask him about the details of the event occurring at his castle.

雷招娣从她爹那里知道青顺城又打仗了,廖成凯是她干爹,雷寨主让他捎东西给廖成凯。Lei Zhaodi from her father to know where the city and the green war, Liao Chengkai is her godfather, ray castellan let him take things to Liao Cheng kai.

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牢头摇头,“总有一些会因为某些原因从命运的落网中落出来,比如索斯爵士的瓶子就一直在我这,但它依然空空如也。”The Castellan shook his head. "There are always a few who slip through the net, for one reason or another. I have a bottle for Lord Soth, but it was never filled."

赵传奇终于劝说成功寨主夫人去见辛平贵,相亲会上,他们三个都很尴尬,赵传奇给他两个相互做了介绍就扬长而去了。Zhao Chuanji finally persuade Mrs Successful castellan XinPingGui, dating on the meeting, all three of them very embarrassed, introduce our Zhao Chuanji gave him two went off with it.