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这种势头丝毫没有显示衰减的迹象。This dynamism shows no signs of waning.

无论在室内还是室外,运动的活力无处不在。Within and without there is dynamism of movement.

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这些都是中国蓬勃发展的见证。All are testaments to China's dynamism and growth.

卡佩罗需要激发球队业已枯槁的活力。Capello needs to refresh a dynamism that has waned.

它在我们的程序中,起着动态,分配的功能。It gives us the power to have complete dynamism in our program.

它着重于这些变化的影响力,活力和速度。It focuses on the forces, the dynamism or speed of these changes.

这种独特的字体可以是你的标题充满创意,活力。This unique font will give your headlines originality and dynamism.

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考尔姆博士已经指出了中国发展的动态变化。Dr. Colm has already pointed out the dynamism of China's development.

仅为了可持续的发展,北京钢铁公司没少挨批。For sheer dynamism the Beijing Iron and Steel Company takes some beating.

通过精心设计的试驾课程和游戏活动,体验动感。Experience Dynamism through test drive and games on-ground at experience days.

在欧洲北部,有一片广阔的繁荣地区,即充满活力的北欧地区。In the north, there is a vast region of prosperity, a zone of Nordic dynamism.

本地的一般年轻人似乎就缺少了那份机灵和朝气。Young Singaporeans seem to lack the astuteness and dynamism that they possess.

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看来周三对拜仁的次回合比赛,曼联得好好找找自己新的动力源了。United now have to rediscover their dynamism for Wednesday's rematch with Bayern.

故事的叙?已经进入了语言的表象,其基本特性是隐喻性的。Story-telling presupposes linguistic representation accessible to our meaning dynamism.

恢复生命力的日本也将为更具自由化的亚太地区增添活力。A revitalised Japan would add to the dynamism of a more liberalised Asia-Pacific region.

他们会希望看见斯特拉特福德像上海那样充满时代感和活力。They will want to see Stratford full of modernity, dynamism and parallels with Shanghai.

横滨被称为丝绸之城,没有其他城市能比它更能显示出活力了。No center symbolized the country’s dynamism more than Yokohama, known as the City of Silk.

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各国各有特色的民主体制允许他们的国民自由表达,并释放出巨大活力。Country-specific democratic institutions permit their expression and unleash great dynamism.

从重振日本经济活力这一角度看,流动非常重要。The movement of is important from the perspective of revitalising Japan's economic dynamism.

这份榜单被分析家视为亚太经济活力的一扇窗口。The list has been viewed by analysts as a window on the Asia-Pacific region's economic dynamism.