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同时,丹和里克与艾瑞.盖恩斯碰了面。Meanwhile, Dan and Rick meet up with Ira Gaines.

伊拉,你该是38了,但你看起来才大约30。Ira , you should be about 38, but you look about 30.

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英国是否对爱尔兰共和军格杀勿论?Did Britain adopt a shoot-to-kill policy against the IRA?

如果对现有罗斯个人退休帐户进行修改,请在此打勾。Check here if this is an amendment to an existing Roth IRA.

埃拉·怀特“我不认为我能隐藏,我一看就知道是割了包皮的。”Ira Wright I don't think I can hide that. My face is circumcised.

呆在家里的前任配偶仍能对个人退休帐户有所贡献吗?Can the stay-at-home former spouse still make an IRA contribution?

爱尔兰共和军已经宣称对马丁•卡荷尔的谋杀负责。The IRA has claimed responsibility for the murder of Martin Cahill.

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传统的个人退休账存款产生的收益是允许你延迟纳税的。A traditional IRA contribution allows your money to grow tax-deferred.

你好,可以和出口部负责人艾勒·布莱克先生通话吗?Hello. May I speak to Mr. Ira Black, head of the Export Section, please?

我告诉他我想爱尔兰共和军是不会收到有关那些事情剪报的。I told him that I didn't think the IRA would receive mention in the piece.

和所有在左边的方法是艾拉海斯,一名海军,印度和美国。And all the way at the left is Ira Hayes, a Marine, and an American Indian.

爱尔兰共和军的行动将持续了一年多,对他们自己来说代价惨痛。The IRA would keep it up for more than a year, at great cost to themselves.

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这狗出现在3代的的买的大坝,艾拉谱系3倍。This dog appears 3 times in the 3 generations pedigree of Dhara's dam, Ira.

如果你有一个陆士共和军帐户,你可以用它来挽救你的第一家。If you have a Roth IRA account, you can use that to save for your first home.

我是艾拉·哈罗德,想跟人事部经理约个时间。This is Ira Harrod. I'd like to make an appointment with the Personnel Manager.

切斯尼在30年前死去,但是他卷入的爱尔兰共和军却拒绝随之消身匿迹。Chesney died 30 years ago, but saga of his IRA involvement has refused todo likewise.

芭迪告诉艾拉老师,说在小测验之前应该先把美国地图给遮起来。Patty told Mr. Ira that he should cover up the United States map before we got started.

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研究人员说新感染病例的数量在未接受疫苗的人群中会降低千分之一。Ira Longini says researchers are very good at predicting where cholera is likely to spread.

通过对部分码率进行计算机仿真,结果表明DVB-S2标准采用的这类IRA码性能良好。It can be kown from simulation results that IRA codes used in DVB-S2 have good performance.

目前,不到十分之一的美国民众符合个人退休账户所要求的免税交款条件。Currently fewer than 1 in 10 Americans eligible to make tax-free contributions to an IRA does so.