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一场关于加缪的讨论会本身就是扯淡。A symposium on Camus is a lie.

这是决不能错过的研讨会。This is a can't-miss symposium.

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就我个人而言,讨论会不属于我。Personally, a symposium is not my place.

一场医学专题报告会在一个大厅里举行。A medical symposium would be held in a hall.

这种座谈会是一种只有男性参加的酒会。And the symposium is an all-male drinking event.

2003年当代藏学学术研讨会。Symposium on Contemporary Tibetan Studies, 2003.

研讨会上全国的语言学家济济一堂。Linguists from all over the country assembled at the symposium.

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本文对此做了较为全面的摘登。The ideas of the symposium was published overall in this paper.

我们中的一位同事近来参加了一个关于软件开发的研讨会。One of us recently attended a talk at a software developer symposium.

傅抱石艺术国际研讨会在南京召开。An international symposium on the art of Fu Baoshi is held in Nanjing.

与会者自行携带打印好的会议论文40份提交会务组。Each participant should bring 40 copies of the paper to the symposium.

第八届港沪科技合作研讨会将于二零一一年十一月四及五日在香港召开。The 8th Symposium will be held in Hong Kong from 4 to 5 November 2011.

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油籽开发综合性有害物管理,国际研讨会,2006。Integrated Pest Management In Oilseed Rape. International Symposium. 2006.

第31届圣加仑论文大赛的话题是“新力量均势”。The general topic of the 31st ISC- Symposium was " New Balance of Power ".

这篇文章改自2001年给Franz开发者论坛的演讲This article is derived from a talk given at the 2001 Franz Developer Symposium.

Scott先生生病了,我要替他去参加研讨会。Mr. Scott got sick and I have to attend the Speechmaker’s Symposium in his place.

法国已经就岩石裂缝举行了两次座谈会和一次国际会议。The French have held two colloquia and an international symposium on rock fissures.

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我没有参加过文章中他们所说的那个研讨会,也没有做过文中所称的评论。I did not attend the symposium they quoted and did not make any of those statements.

埃里克•马斯金教授将在本届科博会主题报告会和中国金融高峰会演讲。Professor Eric Maskin will make speech at Symposium speech and China Finance Summit.

第32届圣加仑论文大赛的话题是“突破限制-质疑目标”。The general topic of the 32nd ISC- Symposium was " Pushing Limit-Questioning Goals".