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再者,我不知道它绝对性的含意。Furthermore I do not know its absolute meaning.

进一步指定最大和最小比特率。Furthermore you can specify a max and min bitrate.

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尤其值得称道的是,在使用时锤头不会轻易脱柄。Furthermore the hammerhead won't fall off when you were using.

许多守则还必须使用通过应用其操作码。Many codes must be used furthermore by applying their opcodes.

还有,我们自己应该把我们的罪性钉在十字架上。Furthermore we ourselves should be crucifying our sinful nature.

同时,这样的设计也使建筑内部的导向性更加清晰。It furthermore allows for clear orientation within the building.

此外,信贷紧缩可能抑制开支复苏苗头。Tight credit could suppress any rebound in spending, furthermore.

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此外,二战后这些岛屿交给了中国。Furthermore those islands were awarded to China at the end of WW2.

目的进一步认识肢端雀斑样痣性黑素瘤。Objective To recognize furthermore the acral lentiginous melanoma.

此外,毅力,或坚强意志,是成功的最后一把钥匙。Furthermore perseverance or a strong will is the last key to success.

还有,他说话没礼貌,他应该礼貌地说话。Furthermore , he speaks too impolitely. He should speak more politely.

此外,他们是极端难受的乘坐在粗砺的路。Furthermore , they are extremely uncomfortable to ride on rough roads.

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而且,你还可以写一个爱情故事出来,我相信一定很精彩。Furthermore , you can write a love story. I believe it would be wonderful.

我们在伦敦有库存并筹办销售兼做代理。We keep a regular in London and turn into distributors furthermore agents.

进一步的讲,大众的高雅的审美情趣还远未形成。Furthermore , the public’s aesthetic taste of elegance is still far behind.

此外,我们还讨论了一种带有约束的布点问题。Furthermore we also discuss in this paper a constrained allocation problem.

另外,通信的双方也不必知道对方存取数据的时间。Furthermore they need not to know what time partners read or write the data.

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它还是一流的家庭影院设备的理想前置喇叭。It is furthermore ideal as front speaker in a top class home theatre set-up.

他进一步说,群众,多数人,会比少数人较不易演变成贪腐。He says furthermore a crowd the many is more incorruptible than the few.

并且在他喜欢的左翼位置,阿什利-杨表现更出色。Furthermore his favoured position is left-wing, where Ashley Young has excelled.