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荷兰橙色挂绳。Netherlands Orange Lanyard.

荷兰鹿特丹港。Rotterdam of the Netherlands.

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阿尔扬·罗本——荷兰Arjen Robben – The Netherlands

他是荷兰人。He comes from the Netherlands.

韦斯利·斯内德——荷兰Wesley Sneijder – The Netherlands

嗯,荷兰没那么大,Well, Netherlands is not that big,

荷兰是郁金香的王国。The Netherlands is the tulip kingdom.

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荷兰也有穷人There were poor people in the Netherlands.

在荷兰更是如此The same is even more true in the Netherlands.

为什么荷兰曾经称霸世界?Case 1 Why Once the Netherlands Held the World?

荷兰人的规矩可谓是最复杂的了。The Netherlands has the most complicated rules.

荷兰。他们是我母亲娘家那边的亲戚。In the Netherlands. They're on my mother's side.

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我是黛安娜玛格雷,我现在在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹市。I'm Diana Magnay in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

但是荷兰和西班牙已宣布消减捐赠。But the Netherlands and Spain have announced cuts.

我想要一个山峰,一个荷兰的真正的山。I want a mountain, a real one. In the Netherlands.

乔里斯·霍比是荷兰的企业家。Joris Hoebe is an entrepreneur in the Netherlands.

荷兰的贵族There were, to be sure, nobles in the Netherlands.

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西弗里西群岛属荷兰。The West Frisian Islands belong to the Netherlands.

淩芍,飞利浦研究实验室,荷兰。Ling Shao, Philips Research Laboratories, Netherlands.

荷兰是印民在殖民时期的宗主国。The Netherlands is Indonesia's former colonial master.