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我的电脑?My computer?

计算机科学。Computer Sci.

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有了电脑。With computer.

电脑程序编制。Computer programming.

我喜欢电脑游戏。I like computer games.

指的是电脑病毒。Computer virus, that is.

露西有台新电脑。Lucy has a new computer.

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高师长有一台电脑,宾格。Miss Gao has a computer.

电脑是个白痴。The computer is a moron.

计算机与我作对。The computer opposes me.

那里有一间电脑室。There's a computer room.

詹妮在操作电脑。Jenny is at the computer.

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马丽有一个游戏机。Mary has a computer game.

他在电脑教室里。He's in the computer room.

我知道是某台电脑发生了爆炸。I know a computer blew up.

这种标记是可以供计算机读取的。This is computer readable.

良好的电脑知识。Good Knowledge of computer.

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我们的电脑是最新式的。Our computer is up to date.

反恐精英是一部很棒的电脑游戏。CS is a great computer game.

电脑操作控制。Computer operation controls.