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所以学校很多元化。So it was a very diverse school.

一个致郁的、异色的喜剧。A gloomy, tonally diverse comedy.

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这里的生活方式很多元。It's a very diverse type of life.

谢谢。这是个多样的团体。Thanks. It's a pretty diverse group.

家庭犬是类型极丰富的一类狗。Non-sporting dogs are a diverse group.

联合广场是个很多元化的地方。Union Square is a pretty diverse area.

你将读到一些完全不同的东西。You will read radically diverse things.

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问卷上的问题纷繁复杂。The questions were manifold and diverse.

亚洲是一个高度分散且极具差异性的市场.这里大多数都是小企业.It's a very fragmented and diverse market.

您的图库展示了一些非常棒的作品。Your gallery shows some very diverse work.

尝试尽可能多样的预备工作。Try to make your pilots as diverse as possible.

形容词的词缀量大且多样。The affixes of adjectives are large and diverse.

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第一章,多元交融的文化乳汁。Chapter one, the interweaving of diverse cultures.

我认为洛杉矶比纽约更加多元化。L.A. is a lot more diverse than New York, I think.

综合学习课程让学生汲取不同的知识。Students are in for diverse pursuits under the ILP.

我们既变得更加多样化,也更加团结。We were becoming both more diverse and more united.

这真的是一个多国之间非常多元化的流动。It is really a very multi-national and diverse flow.

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它成为了一种更有趣更多样化的资产类别It became a more interesting and diverse asset class.

在二十世纪,军犬的职责更为多样化。In the 20th century, dogs' duties became more diverse.

HND项目推崇多样性的评测方式。The HND program advocates diverse forms of assessment.