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他为人和蔼而忧郁。He was affable and sad.

她对每一个人都和蔼可亲。She is affable to everyone.

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他觉得她父母很好说话。He found her parents very affable.

慈祥的微笑他觉得她父母很好说话。An affable smile. He found her parents very affable.

潘登尼斯是我认识的最平易近人的年轻人之一。Pendennis is one of the most affable young men I ever knew.

对于舒缓消化不良的问以很有帮助。Asking by has the help very much regarding the affable dyspepsia.

张。老师留着一头长发,她心地善良,和蔼可亲。Zhang teachers keep a long hair, her heart kind-hearted, affable.

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动画片中,他被迅速描写为一条牛头犬,非常的不友好。In cartoons he was soon depicted as a bulldog, hardly the most affable of creatures.

并有效舒缓肌肤,令肌肤幼嫩、水凝透亮。And the effective affable flesh, the flesh young tender, the water congeals translucently.

他是个和蔼的经理,性格不如罗梅蒂、帕米尔萨诺那般强烈。He's known as an affable manager, with a less intense personality than Rometty or Palmisano.

唐朝有一个大臣李义府,表面对人温和恭顺,跟人谈话总是面带微笑。In the Tang Dynasty, there was a minister called Li Yifu who was always affable and smiling.

舒缓的人造地景使之成为自然的延伸,并为城市提供奇特的开放空间体验。The affable man-made landscape becomes natural extending, and provides unusually experience.

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他的态度和蔼而高傲,有一张合不拢的嘴,老在笑。He had an affable and haughty air, and a mouth which was always smiling, since it did not shut.

还有那位老奶奶,面对镜头露出慈祥的笑容,然后又拉着我叙起了家常。An old granny turned to my camera with an affable smile, and afterwards chatted with me heartily.

从这个意义上说,他似乎融合了里杰卡尔德谦逊可敬的天性和舒斯特尔身上德意志人的坚定。In this sense he seems to combine the affable nature of Rijkaard and the Teutonic steel of Schuster.

圣诞节没有苦难,即使是士兵也反对打仗,人人都是一团和气。There is no adversity on Christmas day. Even the soldiers are adverse to fighting.Everyone is affable.

帕蒂对所有这些问题都能够提供以资参考的答案,她就好像一只殷勤友好的蜜蜂,快活地传授着社会文化的知识花粉。For all queries, Patty Berglund was a resource, a sunny carrier of sociocultural pollen, an affable bee.

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“你得有些在纽约演出的经验才行,”和蔼的伯缪台兹太太最后说,“不过,我们可以记下你的名字。”"You want to get some New York experience, " concluded the affable Mrs. Bermudez. "We'll take your name, though. "

当然,这只是一种非常笼统的观察,我认识许多平均绩点为4.0分的博士生,他们为人友善,也喜欢参加派对。That is a massive generalization of course, as I've met many 4.0 PhD folks that are very affable and like to party.

风儿吹过树梢,树叶沙沙作响,凤凰树就像一位和蔼可亲的老人,瞧着我们,也同我们一起发出阵阵欢笑。Wind blowing trees, leaves rustling, like a phoenix tree affable elderly, looked at us and sent us off with laughter.