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如果你倾向于运动。有一个了不起的健身房,if you're athletically inclined. There's an amazing gym,

她不讨厌体育频道,只是对运动有些偏见。She does not hate sports on TV, she is athletically biased.

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这个基金会资助有天分但是贫穷的孩子。This supports athletically talented, but financially poor children.

为了让他们更排斥我,我表现的相当笨拙并运动起来很不自然。To add to my exclusion, I’m fairly clumsy and athletically awkward.

他是一位含蓄充满力量的即兴者,令观众看得透不过气来。A subtle, athletically powerful improviser , he was breathtaking to watch.

参加一个大的比赛会是一次很好的比赛和社会经历。Playing at a tournament is a great experience both athletically and socially.

姚明说易建联在中国国内赛场上已经找不到对手。Yao said that Yi is able to do things athletically that is unmatched in Chinese basketball.

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他们有强壮的身体,他们向我们施加很大的压力。Physically and athletically they were very strong, and they pressured us very well at times.

他的身体非常出色,很强壮,制空能力很强。He possesses great physical strength, he's athletically strong and he's also very good in the air.

一个没有它就是一体育弱智学校的赢得了奖杯的拉拉队队长…Okay, I was the cheerleading captain of a trophy-winning squad in an otherwise athletically retarded school.

打电玩虽然不像功夫那样挑战体能,现在却也是种激烈的竞争。Playing video games, though not as athletically challenging as kungfu, is now a sport involving fierce competition.

每件衬衫是球技切断,使用开放冚袖子和拉伸网格的通风轻巧和舒适。Each shirt is athletically cut, uses open hem sleeves and stretchable mesh ventilation for a lightweight and comfortable fit.

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当他在2003赛季年满退出熊队之后,埃尔文不仅在学业方面,并且在竞技方面离开了加州大学。After his NCAA eligibility expired following his 2003 season with the Bears, Ervin left Cal academically as well as athletically.

我还想修建诸如羽毛球网、乒乓球台等设施,以及一个更具有运动性的足球场。I would also be inclined to include badminton nets, table tennis facilities and a football field for the more athletically inclined.

营养全面均衡的饮食对良好、活泼和浪漫的表现都很重要。An overall nutritionally balanced diet plays an important part in a man's readiness and ability to perform well, athletically and romantically.

年轻男性购买运动鞋或服装,试图能在运动方面与广告中的人物相媲美。Young men may buy athletic shoes or apparel in an attempt to perform athletically in the same way that the person featured in the advertisement plays.

美国在奥林匹克的经典运动项目上比中国强大太多了。认为中国和美国在运动水平上平等这个想法是很蠢的。The U. S. is so far superior to China in the signature events of the Olympics, it's silly to even consider the two countries on equal footing athletically.

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这个乌克兰人点头回传给巴拉克让他有大量空间去应付,虽然稍为传到身后面但他行动敏捷地以左脚把皮球钩进网中。The Ukrainian's nod down to Ballack was slightly behind and gave its target plenty still to do but, athletically and with his left-foot, he hooked the ball in.

这个乌克兰人点头回传给巴拉克让他有大量空间去应付,虽然稍为传到身后面但他行动灵敏地以左脚把皮球钩进网中。The Ukrainian's nod down to Ballack was slightly behind and gave its target plenty still to do but, athletically and with his left-foot , he hooked the ball in.

我儿子从来没有表现出他在体育或者社交方面有特别才能,但是如果他的世界在童年时与别人有所不同,那他现在又会怎么样?He never had any chance of being especially gifted athletically or socially. But what could he have been if his world had been a little different in the early days?