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你会加入360空降部队吗?。Will you join 360 Paratroops ?

这些空降部队装备精良。The paratroops were armed to the teeth.

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那座机场由法国空降兵控制。The airport is in the hands of French paratroops.

当然,谣言里的德国伞兵是有坦克的。Of course, the paratroops were equipped with tanks!

伞兵部队正在山区重新部署。The paratroops are redeploying in the mountain area.

他们看到敌人伞兵部队从飞机上降下来。They saw enemy paratroops dropping from the aeroplane.

接着是有关德国伞兵的谣言和命令。Then there were rumors and orders about the Germans paratroops.

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伞兵部队在村庄上空降落,在几分钟时间里就把它攻取下来。The paratroops descended on the village and took it in a matter of minutes.

他的长靴和紫色贝雷帽表明他统领着苏格兰伞兵部队。His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops.

长官们开始打发我们去这里那里去对付这些伞兵。And the authorities started sending us here and there against these paratroops.

其中有阿尔及利亚人、摩洛哥人、非洲人、越南人,少数精锐法国伞兵部队。They were Algerians, Moroccans, Africans, Vietnamese, along with a few elite French paratroops.

在德军把空降部队成功的运用于1940年的艾本·艾迈尔堡垒、1941年的克里特岛的作战后,美军决定组建一支特别空降坦克部队。The US Army considered forming special airborne tank units after the successful use of German paratroops at Eben in 1940 and Crete in 1941.

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伞兵是我在主程式中最喜欢的部队之一,但是,现在没有什麽可以比呼叫一架滑翔机,看它在建筑物、树林间迫降更赞的了。Paratroops were one of my favorite units from the first CoH, but now, nothing beats calling in a glider and seeing it crash land through buildings and trees.

德国的雷达一直在检测英国皇家空军的任务动向,知道英国方面派出一队伞兵到对方的雷达地缴获相关设备并摧毁了雷达站!German radar was scuttling RAF missions until a team of Britain's paratroops were sent to a key installation to seize specific apparatus and destroy the station.

这些练习正在成为常态化,如更多的第15空降军九个伞兵旅,被训练担任这些直升飞机机动和攻击。These exercises are becoming more frequent, as more of the 15th Airborne Corps nine paratroops brigades, are trained to undertake these helicopter movements and assaults.

空降前导员是负责在空降行动之前空降到指定位置,调整导航装置,帮助主要部队顺利完成空降任务的人员。Pathfinders are paratroops who are dropped into place before a major operation in order to place and operate navigational devices to assist the primary drop of paratroops.

降落在海牙和鹿特丹的德军伞兵正在遭遇荷兰守军的拼死抵抗,以此阻止他们去夺取莱茵河和马斯河上的一连串有战略意义的大桥。German paratroops in The Hague and Rotterdam were now locked in bitter fighting as Dutch troops battled frantically to stop them capturing a series of strategic bridges over the Rhine and Maas rivers.