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碗橱门砰然响了一声。Cupboard doors thud.

在碗柜里,找到了吗?In the cupboard. Got them?

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他从碗橱里拿出一只平底玻璃杯。He took a tumbler from a cupboard.

把这个柜橱紧挨着它放。Put the cupboard next to it, please.

那个橱柜上面有茶壶吗?。Are there any teapots in the cupboard?

碟子放在有锁锁着的柜子里。The plate is kept in a locked cupboard.

我们需要添装食橱。We need to replenish the food cupboard.

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请把书包放在柜子里。Please put your bookbag in the cupboard.

这个橱子里有很多书。The cupboard has a good supply of books.

把它藏在橱柜或者高的架子上。Hide it in a cupboard or on a high shelf.

那个柜子打不开,是假的。That cupboard does not open, it’s a phony.

最后把书收拾起来放到橱子里。Finally put the books away in the cupboard.

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别把洗碗布扔在柜橱里。Don't leave the dish-cloths in the cupboard.

汤姆拿这把刀在碗橱上乱刻了一阵。Tom contrived toscarifythe cupboard with it.

我把它们放到壁柜的最顶层了。Yeah, I put them on the top of the cupboard.

你有一本难念的旧自行车零件吗?Do you have a cupboard full of old bike parts ?

食橱门沿槽移开。The cupboard door slides open along the groove.

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孩子在食品柜里找蛋糕。The kid looked into the cupboard for some cake.

洗洗杯子,放回到橱子里。Wash your cup, and put it back in the cupboard.

我们这个月的生活用品在橱子里。Our supplies for this month are in the cupboard.