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我相信你那出色的航海技术。I have faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills.

这是一个非常需要关注和解决的问题。This is attention of a special need and reconciliatory problem.

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没有快乐协调的茶话会或类似这样的结尾。There is no happy reconciliatory tea party or some such at the end.

这样,可以让来访者迅速有效地得到问题的答案和解决的方法。Such, the person that can let call in gets the answer of the problem and reconciliatory means effectively.

纠纷暂时无法看到和解的转机,但也许正酝酿着一个新秩序的诞生。Dispute cannot see reconciliatory a favourable turn temporarily, but the birth that perhaps brewing a new order.

本文试从增长与分配战略这一视角来探讨其缘由和解决的路子。The article tries from growth and allocate the strategy this one perspective will discuss its cause and reconciliatory way.

本文以内蒙古地区为例,简单的剖析了一下尴尬产生的原因和解决的办法。Area of Mongolia of article less than is exemple, the simple reason that analysed awkward generation and reconciliatory way.

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他说联合国希望古巴能在建立法规和尊重人权方面做的更多,同时他强烈建议古巴进一步采取重新安抚措施。Says the UN expects Cuba to do more to establish the rule of law and respect human rights, and he urged it to take further reconciliatory measures.

康德美学的批判功能、交往功能与和解功能从三个维面彰显了康德美学的现代性意义。The Significance of Modernity of Kants Aesthetics is displayed in three perspectives of aesthetics critical function, communicative function and reconciliatory function.

能够为现代政治提供框架的,是和解的政治,它吸收各个文明的基本假定,以和平与说理作为最根本的承诺。It is reconciliatory politics that can supply the frame for modem politics. It absorbs basic assumptions of civilizations, and takes peace and reason as the most ultimate commitment.

在宽严相济刑事政策统摄下,科学地构建侦查阶段的和解撤案制度具有一定的可行性,也符合诉讼效率价值的合理诉求。It is feasible to build the reconciliatory dismissed case system scientifically under the investigation stage. Meanwhile, that system accords with the requirement of lawsuit efficiency.