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你过分固执己见了。You're overly opinionated.

由于她冥顽不化的思想Because of her opinionated mind

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固执又无知,这就是我,哈哈。Opinionated and moronic, that's me, lol.

切不可自以为是。One should never be presumptuous and opinionated.

自以为是的说着自己都不懂的道理。Be opinionated about themselves do not understand.

不要太武断,否则会疏远朋友。Avoid being overly opinionated or you will alienate friends.

这种情况可能让我们成了全世界最吵闹、最固执己见的国家。This could make us the most noisily opinionated nation on earth.

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福克斯台名声在外的是它鲜明的观点而非出众的盈利能力。Fox is famous for being opinionated rather than for being profitable.

但是不推荐对于更一般的内容或让更固执己见的新闻源这样做。But it's not advisable for more general content or with more opinionated sources.

她是个固执守旧的人,公开反对新事物。She is an old-fashioned lady and very opinionated , who opposes new things openly.

这可能导致INFJ表现的太强烈的固执己见或者对别人势利。It may cause the INFJ to come off as too strongly opinionated or snobbish to others.

假若你是个睿智的男人,你会选择和有见地,有主见和有诚信的女人在一起。If you're a smart guy, you'll choose to be with a woman who is insightful, opinionated and honest.

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我的小姑非常固执,一旦家庭里有什么争论,她要求大家都要站在她那一边。My sister-in-law is very opinionated and thinks everyone should take her side in family squabbles.

小姑非常的固执己见,认为每一个人在家庭争论中都应该站在她这一边。My sister-in-law is very opinionated and thinks everyone should take her side in family squabbles.

我丈夫的妹妹是一个非常固执己见的人。她认为每个人都理所当然地应该在家庭争论中偏袒她。My sister-in-law is very opinionated and thinks everyone should take her side in family squabbles.

双鱼座的人——很浪漫,最讨厌软弱拖拉的人,更讨厌自以为是的人。Pisces people -- very romantic, the most hated weak procrastinators, more hate be opinionated people.

不过,你会发现,门萨人都普遍热爱文字游戏、智力测验,往往有些固执武断,当然,还很聪明。What you will find is people with a love of word play, puzzles, often opinionated and of course bright.

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如果你觉得这让我听起来像个笨蛋,那么算你头脑聪明有主见。But you already know that. if you think this makes me sound like a loser, you are smart and opinionated.

这些外向的年轻人往往固执己见,经常毫无顾忌地挑战招聘者和上司。These outspoken young people tend to be highly opinionated and fearlessly challenge recruiters and bosses.

而且即使24小时的新闻服务真的开始了,也不知道这种固执己见的做法能不能成功。And it is not clear that an opinionated 24-hour news service would be successful even if it could be built.