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与所有权来剥夺。With ownership comes dispossession.

我们看到大量的土地被剥夺。We are seeing dispossession on a massive scale.

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Undershaft抗议,要求斯蒂芬传统的剥夺。Undershaft protests that tradition demands Stephen's dispossession.

这正是土地攫取所贡献的贫困,掠夺,以及冲突!This land grab and the profits contribute to poverty, dispossession and conflicts.

他们经历过全球战争、强取豪夺和帝国主义的压迫。They had experienced global warfare, dispossession and the oppression of imperialism.

尽管在张国荣来说,这更多是一种剥离,将他自己可爱善良一面的剥离。Although in Cheung's case, it was more a disembodiment, a dispossession of his sweet self.

它会不会灌输一种文化剥离的疏远感或是产生文化上的有利条件?Does it instill a sense of alienation and cultural dispossession or of cultural advantage?

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爱情和牙疼有多种疗法,无一可靠,除非留着或拔去。Love and toothache have many cures, but none infallible , except possession and dispossession.

这说明了一个较为普遍的观点,即可以通过第三人实现占有权的有效解除。This illustrates the more general idea that effective dispossession can be achieved through a third person.

如果裁决为恢复原状,那么对利润损失的裁决就类似于暂时剥夺财产。If restitution were awarded, the award of lost profits would be analogous to cases of temporary dispossession.

这种对美国劳力的剥夺受到海外淫媒的欢迎,并在各主要大学将其冠之以“新经济”。This dispossession of American labor has been heralded by offshoring’s pimps in the major universities as “the New Economy.”

然而,让我觉得最难以置信的时刻出现在上半场,梅西在曼联禁区面对维迪奇的那次过人让我以为这个球是必进无疑的了。Also, the most astonishing moment of the match, for me, was Vidic's near-impossible dispossession of Messi in the United box first half when a goal seemed certain.

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一些被压抑的内容会原原本本地保存于人的潜意识之中。这些剥夺创伤给布洛桑一种类似于被阉割的诡异和恐惧感觉。Some of the repressed elements were irreducibly preserved in the unconscious. The constant recurrence of dispossession piled up Bulosan's repetitive trauma through the return of the repressed.

国际刑事法院说,它将开始集中审理与破坏环境、违法开采自然资源以及非法剥夺土地有关的犯罪。The International Criminal Court has said it will start to focus on crimes linked to environmental destruction, the illegal exploitation of natural resources and unlawful dispossession of land.