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我哥是只傻傻的看门狗。My brother is a silly watchdog.

这些必须经监察者同意。These must be agreed by the watchdog.

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待人友好,早在罗马时代就给人当看家狗。were used as watchdog even in Roman times.

守门狗不应成为无牙的老虎。A watchdog should not be a toothless tiger.

沉重的脚步声惊醒了看家豿。The sound of heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog.

“看门狗”李金华又开出触目惊心的“清单”了。"watchdog" Li Jinhua also opened a horrifying "list".

我们养了一条看门狗来看家防贼。We keep a watchdog to guard the house against thieves.

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我一直以来一断的关注儿童的健康和幸福。I've always been a watchdog over children's health and welfare.

“喷气机”还是个灭虫能手和出色的“看家狗”。Jet was also an efficient bug-zapper and a terrific "watchdog."

审计办公室称现有的许多计划都有缺陷。The watchdog says many of the current ideas have short-comings.

但有消息说,他们是从未叫过的看门狗。But as one source said, they were the watchdog that never barked.

msp430单片机汇编语言看门狗源程序。平台为IAR。Controller MCU assembly language watchdog source. Platform for IAR.

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lmt和监视器之间的串行连接不起作用。The serial connection between the LMT and WatchDog is not functioning.

实际上,由于有了改革法案,新的消费者监督部门正在成立中。In fact, as part of reform, a new consumer watchdog is now standing up.

一个公民监察组织则要求对这位连任三届的参议员展开深入调查。A citizen watchdog group wants an investigation into the three-term senator.

核管理委员会不仅签发核运营许可证,还负责该行业的安全监督。The NRC not only gives out nuclear licenses but is the industry safety watchdog.

但根据消费者监督机构的调查显示,蓝光影碟没有对得起它们昂贵的价码。But Blu-ray discs fail to live up to price tags, according to a consumer watchdog.

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广电总局还将控制全国范围内娱乐节目的总数。The watchdog will also control the total number of entertainment shows nationwide.

这是一个观光猎犬和原本是用于放牧,狩猎,并作为看门狗。It is a sight hound and was originally used for herding, hunting and as a watchdog.

很显然他跟看家狗很熟——他一吹口哨,那狗就不叫了。Apparently he knew the watchdog well, for it stopped barking as soon as he whistled.