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美国国家侦察局。The National Reconnaissance Office.

一个用于侦察和监视小型无人机。A mini UAV for reconnaissance and surveillance.

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他们被派到黑沙洲去招待一项侦察任务。They were sent on a reconnaissance mission to Heishazhou.

巡游,航行,航游为娱乐或侦察而进行航行或巡航。To sail or travel about, as for pleasure or reconnaissance.

伯纳德·卡多西把这一技巧叫做“社会侦察”。Bernardo Carducci calls this technique “social reconnaissance.

分配侦察1天的时间长短到任何的你的编队。Assign a 1-day length of reconnaissance to any of your formations.

这包括美国海军P-8A,一种海军侦察飞机。This includes the U. S. Navy P-8A, a maritime reconnaissance aircraft.

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事后,空中侦察表明,该战列舰受伤颇重。Later air reconnaissance showed that the battleship was heavily damaged.

阿嘎旺亲自带她们去祠堂侦察。O honk swan take them personally to the ancestral temple reconnaissance.

测向则是电子侦察的一个重要指标。The direction finding is an important index of electronic reconnaissance.

他在战争中作为一只勘测队的指挥官度过了三年。He spent three years in combat as a commander of a reconnaissance battery.

而且它想为自己不断扩大的潜艇舰队做一些侦察工作。And it wants to do some reconnaissance for its own expanding fleet of subs.

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从而有针对性地制定侦察和反侦察策略。And then can constitute reconnaissance and counter reconnaissance strategy.

在潜望镜深度它能被敌人的侦察飞机定位。At periscope depth it can be located by the enemy's reconnaissance aircraft.

火箭成功的将一枚勘测卫星送入地球低轨道。The rocket successfully lifted a reconnaissance satellite to low Earth orbit.

司令部内,黄鸣锋呼叫第三侦察小队,迟迟没有回应。Command, huang feng call third reconnaissance teams, have been slow to respond.

1955年,该公司绝密的U2侦察机完成首次飞行。In 1955, the company's top-secret U2 reconnaissance aircraft made its first flight.

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国家级的技术侦察手段已经提供了目标的高空侦察照片。National technical means had provided overhead reconnaissance photos of the objective.

对他们有一个滩头堡,探讨进行侦察网络的其余部分。From then on they had a beachhead to explore the rest of the network for reconnaissance.

然而探险队从南到东北对乔戈里峰完成了彻底的勘探。The party, however, carried out a thorough reconnaissance of K2 from south to north-east.