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“Glitch”将是免费的。Glitch will be free to play.

也可能在关键时刻掉链子。There may yet be a last-minute glitch.

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可能是搞错了会不会是选拔机制出了点小错呢?。Maybe there was a mix-up, some, kind of a glitch in the system?

就这样我们发现了“请住手!”We had discovered a glitch in the system -- Please Stop was flawed.

你也许要操作机械设备,但出了小差错。You might be trying to operate mechanical equipment, but there’s a glitch.

如果出现轻微磨损,可用油石修磨去毛刺后使用。If there is slight wear and tear, can be rubbed off glitch Hone repair before use.

“Glitch”就是所谓的强大的多人游戏,允许很多人同时在线玩。Glitch is what gamers call a massively multiplayer game, which lets many people play online at once.

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公众要到明年初才能玩到这款游戏,不过一个宣传视频已经在Glitch.com上播放了。The public will not get to play the game until early next year, but a promotional video is on

一个钟小故障阻止在新年日的警告,使狂欢者睡过头。A clock glitch prevented alarms from sounding on New Year's Day, causing slumbering revelers to oversleep.

虽然在三月到一年期债券间有个小波折,但整体趋势是向下的Well, there's this funny glitch here between three-month and one-year, but then it just continued to decline.

或许,交易员大脑短路的最大表现在于“输钱”之后,他们会禁不住翻盘的诱惑,做出一系列非理性的决定。But perhaps the biggest mental glitch at work is the temptation to make a series of irrational decisions after losing money.

那么我们的第一种小偏差已经解释清楚了,但是我们还有另外一种,它在氮和氧之间发生。So that explains one of our glitches here, but we have another glitch, and that second glitch comes between nitrogen and oxygen.

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他们已经和公司的作者和画家热火朝天地设计“Glitch”和开发运行游戏的工具。They have been working intensely with the company’s writers and artists to design Glitch and build the tools to operate the game.

然而,“Cahoot”否认安全漏洞会造成用户非法提取他人帐户上的钱。However, Cahoot claimed that the security glitch had not made it possible for people to take money out of other people's accounts.

她的一个只有用网络和电话联系过的朋友戴尔·赫斯曼发给她一个有小故障的程序去调试。A friend, whom she's only spoken to over the net and phone, Dale Hessman, sent her a program with a weird glitch for her to de-bug.

近日,有媒体爆出苹果公司的iphone操作系统因“系统漏洞”使得用户所调闹钟时间比预定时间推迟一小时,经过一个周末的休息时光后,白领枕边的iphone“偷懒”没有按照既定时间“准时”响铃,让人们在周一的早晨多睡了一个小时。Owners of Apple's iPhone were given an extra hour in bed this morning after a glitch in the gadget failed to set the alarm clock off on time.

糖尿病治疗领域对于安全性有点问题的在研药物来说,风险稍微高了些,底线也意味着成本更高。The diabetes landscape is a tad riskier for drugs in development that have a safety glitch or two, and the bottom line could mean higher costs.

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实验结果表明多位格雷码计数器能在时钟频率很高的情况下准确计数,明显消除毛刺的产生。The results indicate that Gray code counter counts accurately in the case of high clock frequency and obviously eliminates the emergence of glitch.

嗜睡症似乎是由基因遗传导致的,该遗传会是人体无法吸收或产生足够的神经下视丘分泌素。Narcolepsy is apparently caused by a genetic glitch that prevents the body from either absorbing or producing enough of the neurochemical hypocretin.

日前一项新调伴显示,随着现代生活压力增大,我们常说的夫妻间”七年之痒”已被”三年之伤”所取代。A new survey shows the traditional 7-year itch where relationships start to cool has become a "3-year glitch" because of the pressures of modern life.