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在他们最纯真的,游戏是一辆华丽的马车。At their most puerile , games are a grand hack.

她回答这些幼稚的问题觉得不胜其烦。She was tired of answering these puerile questions.

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第一个团体是由一群幼稚的二十五六岁的男性组成。The first is a group of puerile men in their mid-20s.

他说他从没听过这样幼稚可笑的话。He said that he never heard anything so puerile before.

对我而言,这些讨论总是显得有些幼稚。These discussions have always seemed a bit puerile to me.

他幼稚的恶作剧有时得罪他更加成熟的朋友。His puerile pranks sometimes offended his more mature friends.

迁延性、慢性腹泻是小儿常见病,病因复杂,发病率高。Puerile chronic persisting diarrhea is a kind of common disease.

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但这一领域的研究仍在幼稚地前行。However, the research in this area is still carried out in a puerile way.

在幼稚而诚实的民法里,那叫做父亲和母亲。They are called fathers and mothers by the civil code, which is puerile and honest.

它的较高理想、它的执着和精神,使所有其它学科比较起来较幼稚、微不足道。Its high ideals, its steadfastness and spirit make all other studies puerile and puny in comparison.

那时你在这块灰蒙蒙的玻璃里只看见一张娃娃脸,看见一双幼稚明亮的闪闪的眼睛。All you could see in this dark glass back then was a baby face, its two eyes shining with a puerile light.

我的想象力活跃而天真,在我看来树枝的每一声响动都来自死去士兵的亡灵。In my overactive and puerile imagination, every crack of a branch was made by the ghost of some dead soldier.

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这种崇拜导出了该民族的力量,它纯真的玩世不恭,以及一种幼稚的虚荣,这种虚荣心便解释它为何如此遭受非议。Whence its strength, its innocent cynicism, and a puerile vanity which explains why it is so severely judged.

稍冷的绿色也可在卧室中与之搭配,粉绿色更能表现春天的稚嫩新鲜。A bit cold green also can match to it in the bedroom, what powdery green can behave spring more is puerile and fresh.

小儿脑性瘫痪是一种大脑受损的综合症,伴有多种功能障碍和发育缺陷。Puerile cerebral palsy is syndrome of cerebra trauma, which is concomitant with functional obstacles and hypogenesis.

有人曾把家人的头像,或孩子稚嫩的画作烧成几块砖贴在墙上。Somebody ever the head portrait family, or the child's puerile picture is made firing a few bricks are stuck on the wall.

记者昨日上午见到黄某维,他留着一头长发,稚嫩的脸上布满了悔意。The reporter sees Huang Mou dimension yesterday morning, he is wearing a long hair, regret meaning was bestrewed on puerile face.

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你们两个都是靠不住的,惹是生非的,天职的恶棍,你们的主要动机就是自私的野心,又危险又无聊。You two are restless, meddling, imprudent scoundrels, whose chief motive-principle is selfish ambition , as dangerous as it is puerile.

当晚莪们在镇里的一个宾馆就餐,全部的同砚和莪们的班主任以及科任老师到齐了,一张张稚嫩芳华的脸庞不见了。That night we in town a hotel dining, all the students and our head teacher and had the teacher here, covering puerile youthful faces gone.

迁延性、慢性腹泻是小儿常见病,病因复杂,发病率高。Puerile chronic persisting diarrhea is a kind of common disease. It etiological factor is complicated and it's disease incidence is very high.