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卡塔赫纳是一个有城墙围绕的美丽古城。Cartagena is a beautiful old walled city.

你认识库利亚坎和喀他赫纳的人?You know the folks in Culiacan and Cartagena?

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而卡特赫纳生物安全议定书的功能与以上二者完全不同。The Cartagena protocol on biosafety has a wholly different function.

难怪有些旅游博客把这座城市形容为下一个布宜诺斯艾利斯。It has even prompted some travel bloggers to call Cartagena the next Buenos Aires. — Denny Lee

他在一辆从马德里开出的火车上甩掉了盯梢,然后潜伏在地中海港口卡塔赫纳。He shook his shadows on the train from Madrid and laid low in the Mediterranean port of Cartagena.

三月份的高温天气毁掉了西班牙卡塔赫纳地区140公顷的蔬菜作物。The high temperatures registered during March damaged more than 140 hectares of cultivations in the fields of Cartagena.

然而由于他在卡塔赫纳的表现非常出色,因此巴西和西班牙都有意招他进本国的青年队。However, his superb performances with Cartagena have caught the eye and both countries are now planning their next moves.

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目前波特曼地区所有居民已被疏散到拉乌尼翁市和卡塔赫纳市的几家体育馆内。Portman has now been evacuated all residents of areas to the city of La Union and the city of Cartagena in several sports.

客人可以在附近的水放松,或前往附近的卡塔赫纳,体验许多哥伦比亚的最古迹,从纪念碑,博物馆,和更多。Guests can relax next to the water, or travel to nearby Cartagena to experience many of Colombia's most historic sites, from monuments, to museums, and more.

十年间美国支持的军事战斗将游击队逼退到丛林深处,波哥大,卡塔赫纳,麦德林等城市才回归安全。Cities such as Bogota, Cartagena and Medellin have become safe after a decade-long, US-backed military offensive that has pushed guerrillas deep into the jungle.

金迪奥哥伦比亚地区开始对座椅靠背插入广告下月和乘务员都穿着有哥伦比亚的海滨度假城市卡塔赫纳广告的围裙。The Colombian region of Quindío begins advertising on seat back inserts next month, and flight attendants are wearing aprons advertising the Colombian beach-resort city Cartagena de Indias.

计划于11月2日进行的加利福尼亚表决,是拉丁美洲领导人商议联合打击毒品走私事件以及其它事件的重中之重,这次商议在卡塔赫纳的哥伦比亚市举行。The California vote, scheduled for 2 November, was a key issue as Latin American leaders met in the Colombian city of Cartagena to discuss co-operation in tackling drug trafficking and other issues.