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那里的森林中松树最多。Pines predominate the forest there.

这里的树林中最多的是杨树。Poplars predominate the woods here.

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当你有了支配你的想法时,记下来。When you have a predominate feeling, write it down.

这样的状态只有当感官价值占据主导地位才会发生。Such a state is only possible when sensate values predominate.

年长的女性在各种观光旅游团中已占大多数。Older women already predominate on organized sightseeing tours.

左翼的观点趋向于在该党党内占支配地位。The views of the left wing have tended to predominate within the party.

只要感官价值凌越于永恒价值之上,就必然会有战争。As long as sensory values predominate over eternal value there will be war.

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然而妇女大都干着工资低、职位低、无好处、无前途的工作。But women predominate in lower-paying, menial, unrewarding , dead-end jobs.

如果负性共刺激信号在这一过程中占优势,则必然存在抑制。If the negative costimulatory signals predominate of course there is pressure.

它们在网膜中部占优势,具有最大的浓度。They predominate and are of greatest concentration in the central part of the retina.

一旦欺骗占据了婚姻的主导地位,那么夫妻关系变会变质恶化。When lying comes to predominate in a marriage, the relationship begins to deteriorate.

大部分的德国有一个季节性的温带气候,以潮湿的西风为主。Most of Germany has a temperate seasonal climate in which humid westerly winds predominate.

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虽然有可能实现软着陆,但发展中国家的下方风险不容忽视。While a soft-landing scenario is likely, downside risks for developing countries predominate.

因此由检偏振镜透射出来的光将以红光为主,吐粉红色。The light transmitted by the analyzer will therefore predominate in red, and will have a pinkish hue.

第二个原因可能在不容易得到避孕药具的社会或情形下可能成为主流。The second reason is likely to predominate in societies or situations where contraceptives are unavailable.

烤羊肉串的辛香和蜜制蛋糕的甜香扑面而来。The acrid smell of lamb kebabs and the sweet smell of cakes soggy in honey predominate over everything else.

因此在大学中,认为自己了解很多,这种心态颇为流行。So the sense that one actually is pretty adept in knowing is one that tends to predominate in the university.

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相邻节段新发骨折比非相邻节段的早且多。New-onset adjacent-level fractures occurred sooner and were more predominate than nonadjacent level fractures.

非典型致病性菌株佔主导地位,并在工业化国家可以孤立于人类和动物。Atypical EPEC strains predominate in industrialized countries and can be isolated from both humans and animals.

在这种职位上,她可以享受公费出差去参加州或有时是全国性的会议或代表大会,在这些场合她的作用就是和男主席投一样的票。Women predominate in the lower-paying jobs. Even when they do the same job as men, they are paid less than men.