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把你的湿衣服拧干。Wring out your wet clothes.

用完毛巾后,拧干毛巾。Wring out your towel after you use it.

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你要是行为不端,我就拧断你的脖子。I'll wring your neck if you don't behave!

我如果抓住他,就扭断他的脖子!If I catch him, I'm gonna wring his neck!

参与编写教材3部。Participate in wring 3 teaching materials.

不要放在干燥机、拧干或折叠杯。Do not put in dryer, wring out or fold cups.

我们可以从医疗保险中省下多少?How Much Savings Can We Wring from Medicare?

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假如你表现不好,我会扭断你的脖子。I'll wring your neck if you don't behave well.

对于新操作系统,我们还能期待效率提高多少?How much more efficiency can we wring out of it?

写作就是通过语言表达你自己的思想。Wring is to express your thought through language.

有双白色翅膀可以飞翔!!!罗密欧是爱的神话,所以世人爱上朱丽叶!!!Has a pair of white the wring to be allowed to soar!

游完泳后记住把游泳衣拧干。Remember to wring your swimsuit out after your swim.

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请把湿衣服里的水拧干。Please wring all the water from the soaking-wet shirt.

我要是找出这是谁干的,我非掐死他不可!If I find the person who did this, I'll wring his neck!

然后用蒸馏水弄湿擦拭布并且拧乾。Use distilled water to wet the cloth and then wring it out.

如果他们下次抓到那小偷,一定会拧断他的脖子。If they get hold of the thief again, they will wring his neck.

如果不听我的话,把你的小极瘦的脖子给拧断了。If you don't listen to me, I'll wring your scrawny little neck.

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我们迟早是会从囚犯口里逼出真情的。Sooner or later, they will wring the truth out of the prisoner.

你使得上帝来绞扭你的心和神经,一直到他迫使你发出屈服的呼喊为止。You tempt Him to wring them, till He forces a cry of humiliation.

他必须致力于将新殖民主义从西方国家和美国之中排挤出去。He must work to wring the neocolonialism out of America and the West.