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虎纹蛙眼球呈圆球形。The eyeball is of sphere.

和一盆有趣的眼珠子花。And one interesting eyeball plant.

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眼镜后面的眼珠子突凸出来。Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball.

二人你来我往,互不相让。Two people you to me to, are eyeball.

我的白眼球发红,怎么办?My white eyeball is aglow , how to do?

一位生物学家再一次割除了一个鲸眼球。Again, a biologist cuts out an eyeball.

媒体业是最古老的眼球经济。The media is the oldest "eyeball" economy.

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首先我们来看看这里?And we can kind of eyeball this thing, right?

点眼药水对眼睛有没有好处?Does eyeball of dot eyedrop cross-eye have profit?

那两个对手在那站着,怒目而视。There were two adversaries standing eyeball to eyeball.

这位来自多伦多的男子成了世界上首例在眼球上刺青的人。A Toronto man has been the first to get an eyeball tattoo.

眼球的数据处理能力堪比一台超级电脑。An eyeball has as much processing power as a supercomputer.

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我的眼球里进入了炽热的液体锡怎么办?。How was blazing liquid stannum entered to do in my eyeball?

这都比眼球中有眼泪要好太多。It's a helluva lot better than having tears on your eyeball.

葡萄膜内含有丰富的血管以供给眼球的营养。Uveal, rich in blood vessels to supply the nutritional eyeball.

眼压升高是青光眼的主要特征之一。Increased pressure in the eyeball is the main feature of glaucoma.

眼镜戴多了,眼球有点凸出,那应该怎么矫正呢?Glasses Dai Duo , eyeball is a bit bulgy, how is that correctional?

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⑤明显眼球内陷,应手术整复矫治。In the obvious eyeball falls, should the surgery reduction correct.

目前可变焦眼球摄像头仍是一个实验室产品。The zoomable eyeball camera is still, however, in its early stages.

在我长三个小时的手术中,我的眼球曾被拿了出来。During my three-hour surgery my eyeball was pulled out of its socket.