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学生是最大的校服反对者。Students are the biggest objector to school uniform.

目的探索层流洁净技术治疗大面积烧伤的价值。Objector To evaluate the value of laminar flow in the treatment of bums.

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老是想着那个过时而且难懂的概念的反对者发誓不做坏事。The objector obsessed by the obsolete and obscure notion swears an oath not to offend.

在1917年接到征兵令后,姚挨坟登记为“出于信仰拒服兵役”,但是没被批准。When he received his draft notice in 1917, York filed as a "conscientious objector" but was denied.

只适用于反对者是代表一个组织或订明团体提出反对。Only applicable when the objector makes an objection on behalf of an organization or a prescribed body.

如果它们正在运动时突然被地上的裂缝阻挡的话,移动工作台会摔倒。Portable banks may fall over when being moved if they are stopped suddenly by an objector crack in the floor.

在生产现场,公司建立零缺陷考核制度,实行全过程质量检验。At the product line , we established zero objector check system, in course of process, implement quality checkout.

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类似自由意志,尽管有对`反对者是如何得到反对的`的说明,但很少有人指出他是对的。The analogy with free will, though illustrative of what the objector is driving at, does little to show that he is correct.

研究部主任文森特·洛德,就是公司内部争斗的一名专家,他也是萨姆建议的一名首要反对者。A practising expert in company politics was the director of research, Vincent Lord, also an immediate objector to Sam's proposal.

第二部分通过对汉德森精神历程的分析,我们看到了汉德森由一个反抗者向一个接受者的转变过程。In the second part through the analyzing of Henderson's spiritual progress we see that Henderson from an objector to an accepter.

传感器节点通过相互之间的分工协作,可实时感知、监测和采集分布区域内的监测对象或周围环境的信息。WSN can sense, inspect and gather the information of a given objector environment through wireless communication between each node.

你或许会觉得哈默巴赫尔是一位苛刻的反对者,他拒绝技术渗透于广告为的基础的商业模式和市场驱动的文化氛围中。You might say Hammerbacher is a conscientious objector to the ad-based business model and marketing-driven culture that now permeates tech.

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而大陆法系则是从是否违反了结果预见义务与结果回避义务的角度来考察的。第三部分,关于公共场所安全注意义务的特点。The duty of care in public place has its own characters, in first place , the subject owes different duty to different objector and in different place.

在Abdo决定伊斯兰标准将阻止他在任何战争中为美军效力后,他于2010年申请了基于道德或宗教信仰原因不肯服兵役者地位,军方官员称。Abdo applied for conscientious objector status in 2010 after he decided Islamic standards would prohibit his service in the US army in any war, military officials said.

竭力反对所确信的当前之不平与过去之错误的反对者和反抗者,是世界发展的推动者。The objector and the rebel who raises his voice against what he believes to be the injustice of the present and the wrongs of the past is the one who hunches the world along.