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拖欠和取消赎回抵押品权的比例开始上升。Delinquency and foreclosure rates rose.

法拍的程序是要发上2个月。The foreclosure procedure will take 2 months.

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又如佛罗里达州的莱克兰,该市的止赎率也很高。Lakeland, Florida has also seen high rates of foreclosure.

放弃抵押品赎回权,从2006年在美国开始并且一直持续至今尚未消停。The ongoing foreclosure epidemic that began in late 2006 in the U.

它的股东基本上都赔光了,房屋业主承受着丧失抵押品赎回权的痛楚。Shareholders were mostly wiped out. Homeowners suffered foreclosure.

他拖欠房贷付款,也许面临银行收房拍卖。He has fallen behind on his mortgage payment and may face foreclosure.

我写的另一篇文章,关于从没收中挽救你的家。Here’s another article I wrote about saving your home from foreclosure.

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通过一位友善的律师的帮助,他们才避免丧失抵押品赎回权。Only through the help of a friendly lawyer did they escape foreclosure.

比如,加州可供出售的存量止赎房已为数不多。California, for example, has seen its available foreclosure inventory slim.

有219,258申请量今年4月,丧失抵押品赎回权的最新月可用。There were 219,258 foreclosure filings in April, the latest month available.

美国钱庄是阿美利坚最大的钱庄。它要检查丧失赎回权的文件。BoA, the largest US bank, is checking for omissions in foreclosure documents.

奥巴马总统的止赎权预防计划毫无进展。There is little apparent progress on the President's foreclosure prevention plan.

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一个面临赎回权丧失的家庭在其地下室发现了一本价值不菲的超人漫画书。A family facing foreclosure found a valuable Superman comic book in their basement.

成千个家庭农场土地被银行收回,几十家农场银行崩溃。Thousands of family farms fell into foreclosure and scores of farm banks collapsed.

德州的失业率和丧失赎取权率远低于全国平均水平。Its unemployment rate and foreclosure rate are both well below the national average.

美国每8.3笔住房抵押贷款中就有一笔遭拖欠或是止赎。One out of every 8.3 mortgages in the U.S. is now either delinquent or in foreclosure.

米勒已经领导对各州的可疑的丧失抵押品赎回权文件的复审。Miller already has been leading multistate reviews of questionable foreclosure documents.

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多诺万因帮助参与计划的人们免遭住房止赎而深得人心。Donovan is credited with helping people who participated in the program avoid foreclosure.

买便宜的赫恩登取消抵押品赎回权与我们的赎赎住房上市出售赫恩登。Herndon buy cheap foreclosure homes with our list of mortgage foreclosure sale of Herndon.

t突然,有他对他家的家,希望即将取消抵押品赎回权的斗争。Suddenly, there's hope for his fight against the impending foreclosure on his family's home.