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苏联欧洲部分东南城市,位于高加索山脉的山脚下、第比利斯西北偏北。A city of southeast European U. S. S. R. at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains north-northwest of Tbilisi.

牧师把球带到第比利斯,并把它捐赠给卡瑟梯教堂,以纪念那些死难的人们”。The priest took the ball to Tbilisi and donated it to Khasreti church, to the memory of those who were killed.

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正是由于5月在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯营地附近的坦克营发生叛变的详情还不清楚。PRECIS LY what happened behind the barrack gates of a Georgian tank battalion near Tbilisi on May 5th is unclear.

格鲁吉亚执意分离的南奥塞梯地区选民以压倒多数投票支持从第比利斯独立出来。Voters in Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia have overwhelmingly voted in favor of independence from Tbilisi.

离开阿塞拜疆后,切尼今日前往格鲁吉亚,和格总统萨卡什维利讨论格俄冲突问题。Cheney travels to Tbilisi Thursday for a meeting with Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili over Georgia-Russia conflicts.

道路指示牌上标明第比利斯只有50英里了,但我赶了50英里后,发现自己只是到了城市的外围。The road signs state Tbilisi is only 50 miles away, but having travelled that distance I've still only reached the outer suburbs.

库什内是在和芬兰外长斯图贝前往第比利斯会晤格鲁吉亚总统之前发表上述讲话的。Kouchner was speaking just before heading to Tbilisi with his Finnish counterpart Alexander Stubb for a meeting with the Georgian president.

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德瓦利成长于前苏联的乔治亚共和国,在提弗利司的安东尼卡司维里物理研究所得到博士学位。GEORGI DVALI grew up in the former Soviet republic of Georgia and received his Ph. D. from the Andronikashvili Institute of Physics in Tbilisi.

在1960至1970年期间,这名前锋曾先后在第比利斯迪纳莫以及莫斯科火车头队效力,在他所参加的314场前苏联联赛中,攻入93球。In the 1960s and 1970s, the striker played for Dinamo Tbilisi and Lokomotiv Moscow, scoring 93 goals in 314 matches in the Soviet championship.

美国的克拉多克将军这个星期访问第比利斯的时候指出,即使俄罗斯人的确在撤离的话,也是“象蜗牛一样慢慢地挪动。”U.S. General John Craddock, during a visit to Tbilisi this week, said if the Russians are indeed leaving, it is at, in his words 'a snail's pace'.

美国的克拉多克将军这个星期访问第比利斯的时候指出,即使俄罗斯人的确在撤离的话,也是“象蜗牛一样慢慢地挪动。”U. S. General John Craddock, during a visit to Tbilisi this week, said if the Russians are indeed leaving, it is at, in his words 'a snail's pace'.

美国国务院发言人麦科马克拒绝直接描述俄罗斯的举动,但是强调说,美国支持第比利斯政府。State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack declined to directly characterize the Russian action but stressed U.S. backing for the Tbilisi government.

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格鲁吉亚指控俄罗斯在签署停火协议几个小时之前炸毁了格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯以西的一条主要铁路桥,诺戈维岑对此予以否认。He denied Georgia's allegations that Russia bombed a key railway bridge west of the capital Tbilisi hours before Moscow signed the cease-fire agreement.

随着消费者偏好的统一,全球化为企业提供了实现规模效应的机会。Driven by the convergence of consumer tastes from Tbilisi to Timbuctoo, globalization presents companies with opportunities for achieving economies of scale.

在另一方面,一列格鲁吉亚火车星期六在哥里邻近触雷,那里位于首都第比利斯西北55公里的地方。In another development, a Georgian train struck what authorities say was a mine Sunday near the town of Gori, 55 kilometers northwest of the capital, Tbilisi.

根据新华社的报道,格鲁吉亚位于地形复杂的高加索山区,这意味着第比利斯的居民在近期内是不会享受到以每小时300公里的速度驰骋该国的“奢侈”待遇了。According to Xinhua, Georgia's rocky landscape means residents of Tbilisi won't be rocketing around the country in 300 kilometer-per-hour luxury any time soon.

但是齐斯卡里什维利指出,俄罗斯5个邻国的总统本星期访问第比利斯表明,他们并不信任俄罗斯。But Soso Tsiskarishvili points to this week's visit to Tbilisi by presidents of five countries that border Russia as a sign that they do not trust the Kremlin.

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格鲁吉亚说,莫斯科保持着一个地位,它有权首次同意另一个国家愿意在乔治亚州的任何行动。Tbilisi says Moscow maintains a position that it has the right to first agree to any action another country wants to take in former-Soviet states such as Georgia.

我恐怕他要把我赶下新路,但事实上他是以色列工程师团队中的一员,他的公司赢得了修筑这条通往第比利斯道路的合同。I fear he's going to tell me to get off the road. In fact, he's part of an Israeli gang of engineers who have won part of the contract to build the road to Tbilisi.

不久,破晓前,对周日,格鲁吉亚的内政部说,俄罗斯轰炸机已开始引人注目的军事设施附近的民用机场在第比利斯。Shortly before dawn on Sunday, Georgia's Interior Ministry said that Russian bombers had begun striking military facilities adjacent to the civilian airport at Tbilisi.