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威慑而非反导拦截仍是最佳的防御手段。Deterrence, not antimissile interceptors, is still the best defense.

最后对智能科学技术在反导系统中的应用与发展进行了展望。At last, the prospect of the application of IST in the area of antimissile system is given.

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在战斗中,你可能经常需要手动调整干扰器以及操纵例如“拳击手”之类的主动反导系统。In combat one may often have to manually fine-tune jammers and guide active antimissile systems like the Boxer.

利用浮空器进行俯视观测可有效提高防空反导系统的截获、跟踪目标能力。The ability of intercepting and tracking for air defense antimissile system can be effectively improved by top observation with aerostat.

虽然意大利海军面临着和皇家海军同样的问题,但其对末段反导防御却持有完全不同的观点。The Italian Navy, though facing the same problem as the Royal Navy, has developed a totally different philosophy regarding last-ditch antimissile defense.

近几年,印军通过不断购买引进先进防空、反导武器装备,其防空反导能力提高很快。In recent years, Indian army purchases many advanced air defense and antimissile weapons, its ability of air defence and antimissile improves very quickly.

舰艇编队在航渡过程中如何有效防御来自空中对方的反舰导弹的打击对舰艇编队的生存能力是至关重要的。The optimun station of antimissile , which adopted for warship formation are validated from the side of increasing antimissile ability in warship formation.

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随着精确制导武器的发展,超近程防护系统作为反导体系的最后一道保护屏障,具有重要的军事意义。With the development of precisely guided weapon, as the last protection barrier of antimissile system, super close-in defensive weapon system is meaningful in military.

掠海导弹飞行模拟靶标是完成近程反导舰炮武器系统研制试验及装备交验所必须的重要靶标之一。Flying simulated drone of skimming sea missile is one of the important drone to complete short range antimissile warship gun weapon system development test and equipment adopt.

国防部今天说道随着俄罗斯地面部队新一代防空及反导武器的发展,“现代化进程”将会在今年开始。The Defense Ministry today said the "modernization drive" will begin this year with the deployment of new generations of air defense and antimissile weapons by Russian ground forces.

为了在未来战争中夺取反空袭作战的胜利,本文提出了一种用于要地防护的预设型反导末端拦截系统,并对其拦截弹的战斗部系统进行了细致的研究。This paper devises a predefined antimissile terminal defence system used to protecting high-value objects to win the future anti-aircraft battle, and then designs its warhead in detail.

然后通过分析印军防空反导能力的强点和弱点,对印军的防空反导能力做了综合评价。Secondly the paper synthetically evaluates India army's ability of air defence and antimissile, by analysing the strong and weakness of India army's ability of air defence and antimissile.

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水面舰艇海上作战的主要威胁来自于敌方反舰导弹的攻击,因而水面舰艇的反导作战能力成为其战斗能力和生存能力的重要指标之一。The main threat of naval ship is the antiship missile , the antimissile warfare ability of single ship becomes one of the most important portions in its operation ability and survivability.

普京在本月早些时候宣称他认为这个造物将是针对俄罗斯的反导弹系统,并要求以瞄准欧洲作为回应。Putin stated earlier this month that the creation of what he thinks would be an antimissile defense aimed at Russia would require a response in the form of target selection in Western Europe.

设置主动及被动干扰器,做出防御性机动,在如今的高科技战斗中这些都是极其重要的。This is especially true in the case of antimissile defense. Setting up active and passive jammers, performing defensive maneuvers – all of this is vital in the high-technology combat of today.

在火箭弹弹幕反导武器系统中的所有数学模型,解算方法,误差模拟,仿真结果等,均通过编制仿真软件进行实现。The whole maths models in the rocket gun barrage antimissile weapon system, solving method, error simulation, emulation result and etc. , are all realized by programming the emulating software.