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威伯也烦透了冬天。Wilbur was tired of winter, too.

弗恩爱威尔伯盛过一切。Fern loved Wilbur more than anything.

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正如威尔伯·凯什说的那样It's exactly what Wilbur Cash once said.

威尔伯还向读者征求意见。Wilbur also solicits reader suggestions.

“现在麻烦来了,”威伯想。"Now the trouble starts, " thought Wilbur.

她拯救了出生时发育不良的小猪,并给他起名叫威伯。She saved a runty pig and named him Wilbur.

见威伯正用他的鼻子拱那些稻草。Wilbur was poking the straw with his snout.

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奥维尔和威尔伯·赖特制造一架飞机。Orville and Wilbur Wright made an aeroplane.

我们会将最好的建议转交丹•威尔伯。We'll pass the best comments on to Dan Wilbur.

威尔伯和奥维尔赖特有4要飞。Wilbur and Orville Wright had 4 wanted to fly.

威伯悲伤地躺下来,去听雨的声音。Sadly, Wilbur lay down and listened to the rain.

站在阳光下的威伯,觉得孤单而又无聊。Wilbur stood in the sun feeling lonely and bored.

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“现在几点了?”威尔伯小声的问那只母鹅。"What time is it?" whispered Wilbur to the goose.

“你要跟我玩吗,邓普利顿?”威尔伯问那只老鼠。"Will you play with me, Templeton?" asked Wilbur.

威尔伯猝不及防的一击,使他成为新拳击冠军。It was a quick kayo, and Wilbur was the new champ.

它肯定是玛丽的。旺达•威尔伯是她最喜欢的作者。It must be Mary's. Wanda Wilbur is her favorite author.

威尔伯检查飞机。“我能试试吗?“奥维尔喊。Wilbur checked the plane. "Can I try now?"shouted Orville.

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芬恩在学校的那段时间,威尔伯被关在他自己的院子里。While Fern was in school, Wilbur was shut up inside his yard.

威尔伯不在意,继续朝泔水桶走去。Wilbur didn't care. He kept walking toward the pail of slops.

一只名叫威尔伯的小猪和一只叫夏洛的蜘蛛成为朋友。A piggy named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte became friend.