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点击这个页签。Click this tab.

点“默认安全机制”标签。Click the Default Security tab.

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请你把酒钱记在我的账上。Please charge the bill to my tab.

在鞋跟拉片,方便上下车。Heel pull tab for easy on and off.

现在只有标准配备或者颈圈。Available with standard or tab collar.

第一个标签是在这个时候加载的。The first tab is appended at this time.

在垫层另一边也涂上胶水。Apply glue to the other side of the tab.

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拉链前搞定喉咙标签。Full-zip front with buttoned throat tab.

“编辑器”选项卡是默认的界面。The Editor tab is the default interface.

您是否关心新标签页会显示些什么内容?Do you care about what your new tab shows?

用衣服上的领襻把上衣挂起来。Hang your coat up by the tab on the collar.

人造毛皮衬里可以拆下来。Sleeves can be rolled up with buttoned tab.

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在边上是维可牢裤腰调节扣。On the sides are velcro tab waist adjusters.

返回此选项卡上项的集合。Returns the collection of items on this tab.

Chrome现在把设置项全放在一个tab页内。Chrome now places its setting in its own tab.

每个标签都有一些图像和基本路线。Each tab has some images and basic alignment.

用箭头键和制表符键来调整列宽。Resizes columns using the arrow and tab keys.

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但是回答者所报告的标签数量的最高点却是在5、8、10。But reported tab use had peaks at 5, 8, and 10.

拉链前扩展按钮喉咙标签。Full-zip front with extended-button throat tab.

改进新标签页,自动填表,全屏模式Improved New Tab Page, Autofill, Full Screen Mode