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如果有必要,应检查砂浆的强度。If necessary, the strength of the mort.

莫特一直为准备考试而复习。Mort does always some revision for the exam.

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对不起,我不能再多待一会儿啦,再见!Sorry, I can't stop mort than a moment. Bye!

监狱生活充斥了一段又一段地例行公事。Prison life consists of routine and then mort routine.

监狱生活充沛了一段又一段的例行公务。Prison life consists of routine. after that mort routine.

监狱生活充足了一段又一段的例行公事。Prison life consists of routine- after which mort routine.

监狱生活充沛了一段又一段的例行公务。Prison life consists of routine, which usufriend mort routine.

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最后,引入了MORT方法以提高空中交通安全管理的安全性。Finally, using MORT to improve the air-traffic management safety.

在适当的时候我们多进些货,在绝对黄金时刻出手。Mort got us in at the right time and out at the absolute golden moment.

别担心这个问题。我来解决。没有什么事比健康更重要。Don't worry about that. I'll handle this. Nothing is mort important than health.

我的兄弟汤姆和莫特都死了,家里除了我和爸爸之外没有别人了。My brothers Tom and Mort died, and no one remained in the family but my father and me.

我们伟大的弱点就在于放弃。成功最有把握的方法就是尽力再试一次。Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one mort time.

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并对知见的谢杰十余种著作,作了全面的梳理与考证。And mort than ten kinds of Xie's works we have known were sorted out and textual researched completely in this article by the author.

多半美国父母当儿女高中毕业时,将会堵截感情束缚,期盼他们肚冖自主,自谋生计。Mort American parents will cut the cord and expect their children to be independent and make a living on their own when they graduate from high school.

你可能需要为你的申请填写更多的表格或岁申请提供有关其他经济详情,澳大利亚领馆将会该告诉你是否需要做这些事情。You may have to fill out mort forms or obtain certain reports or document to include with your application. The Australian Government Office will tell you if this is necessary.

这个安排本来是要给莫特兄弟一个惊喜,但是在离开利物浦驾车去路易斯威尔之前,兄弟俩已经知道了。It was supposed to be a surprise trip for the Mort brothers, but they were clued in before making the nearly three-hour drive from Liverpool to Louisville, according to their mother.

这家纽约小报引来莫特·祖克曼和罗伯特·默多克的竞购,还可能有其他公司参与。He is trying to sell assets such Newsday, a New York tabloid that is the subject of a bidding war between two other moguls, Mort Zuckerman and Rupert Murdoch, and perhaps other firms.