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一灯荧然。A light is glimmering.

渔民修补微微发光的鱼网。A Fisherman mends a glimmering net.

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若隐若现的姑娘然后,叫了安古斯的名字。The glimmering girl then calls Aengus by name.

若隐若现的姑娘然后,叫了安古斯的名字。The glimmering girl then calls Aengus by name.

此刻的大地闪着微光慢慢消退。Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight.

但后来她作了一个恶梦——有一个僵尸,眼里发着黄色的微光。Then she had a nightmare—a walking corpse, glimmering yellow eyes.

建筑物有着显眼的泛着微光的青铜色外立面。With its glimmering tints of bronze, the building has a striking appearance.

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你可有记忆?那是悬跨心灵群——的圆拱。Have you remembrances, the glimmering arches that span the summits of the mind?

生活中总有那一幕幕,在记忆的背景墙中,闪烁着星星点点的亮光。There are always pieces of life, glimmering bright in the background of memory.

这荧玫瑰铜像面部辉光让你的肤色温暖,微妙的光泽。This glimmering rose bronze facial glow gives your complexion a warm, delicate sheen.

高挑和光耀的女王,来吧,允我再看一眼你那隐隐约约、如同花儿一般盛开的乌发吧。Tall, glimmering queen, come near, and let me see again the shadowy blossom of thy dim hair.

她的心灵澈如水,不时闪动着无法描述的奇光异彩,而他的心里却是一片黑暗和阴郁。Her soul was new, undefined and glimmering with the unseen. And his soul was dark and gloomy.

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她曾看到远处有光在闪,以为是有人迷路了,就跟上去。She had seen a light glimmering in the distance and had followed it thinking someone was lost.

别针、纸样、衬布、拉链,还有几米闪闪发亮的布料,上面带有拼补起来的小方格。Pins, pattern, interfacing, zipper. And metres of glimmering fabric with tiny, quilted squares.

细致闪亮的深浅渐变色调,随着您的每个动作而千变万化。Create a glimmering a gradation of colour from sophisticated dark to light shades with every move.

在新娘子出嫁的那天,她被打扮得漂漂亮亮的,穿上漂亮的花衣服,并带上闪闪发亮的珠宝。On her special day, the bride wears a flowery beautiful dress with glimmering jewelry to enhance her beauty.

以后的版本主题都是苗条的,穿着近乎裸体的美女,闪亮的手枪和闪闪发光的钻石。Later covers are slicker and racier-near-naked women, gleaming guns and glimmering diamonds are popular motifs.

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但当太阳下山后,体育馆亮起的灯光会让这些窗户看起来好像不同公寓楼的窗户。But after the sun has set the glimmering lights of the Arena act as an image of various apartment block windows.

后来的封面更是风度翩翩,挑逗性的近乎赤裸的女郎,闪光的枪支和闪烁的钻石成了流行的主题。Later covers are slicker and racier near naked women , gleaming guns and glimmering diamonds are popular motifs.

最近更名为“因达斯特里亚”在迪斯科舞厅吸引着闪闪发光的白色和金属装饰的年轻人。Recently renamed "Indústria" discotheque attracts young people with its glimmering decoration in white and metals.