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如果结节性脑硬化的确是凶手?。What if the tuberous sclerosis is guilty?

哦,等等,是亚急性硬化脑膜炎!No wait, it's subacute sclerosis panencephalitis!

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神经阻滞,超声,和多发性硬化症。Nerve blocks, ultrasounds, and multiple sclerosis.

皮质腺瘤是结节硬化的特异性表现。Adenoma sebaceum is pathognomonic of tuberous sclerosis.

而甘油三脂水平高正是血管硬化的罪魁祸首。And triglycerides high is the chief culprit of vascular sclerosis.

自身免疫性疾病,如1型糖尿病和多发性硬化症。Autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

我爸爸被诊断有多种硬化症,当他壮年的时候。My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of his life.

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我爸爸被诊断有多种硬化症,当他丁壮的时辰。My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of hellos life.

目的研究五痹胶囊治疗系统性硬皮病的药理作用。Objective To study the pharmacological action of Wubi capsule on sclerosis.

韦德的时候学到的真理,塞夫森死于多发性硬化症。By the time Vedder learned the truth, Severson had died of multiple sclerosis.

类花生酸类物质将导致炎性疾病,例如哮喘和多发性硬化。Eicosanoids drive inflammatory disorders such as asthma and multiple sclerosis.

结节性硬化是一种常见的终身性疾病,需要长期随访。Tuberous sclerosis is a common life long disease requiring long-term follow-up.

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脑海马硬化的形成与齿状回关系更为密切。The formation of hippocampal sclerosis has closer correlation with dentate gyrus.

值得警惕的是,随着时间推移,如不经过新一轮的改革,发展将会僵化。The danger is that over time, without another bout of reform, sclerosis will set in.

从邪毒外侵和正气内虚两方面认识多发性硬化的病因病机。Etiology and pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis include toxin and weakness of the body.

例如,苏格兰是世界上多发性硬化症发病率最高的地区之一。Scotland, for instance, has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world.

关节面硬化,硬化骨质内囊样低密度区及关节面边缘缺损。Sclerosis of articular aspect, cystic region and defect on boder of the articular aspect.

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茗茨在照顾她丈夫的问题上已经克服了困难,她丈夫患有多发性硬化症。Mintz has grappled with the problem in caring for her husband, who has multiple sclerosis.

目的为了探讨视神经炎与多发性硬化的关系。Object In order to explore the relationship between optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis.

蒂莫西库切是国家多发性硬化症协会的首席研究官。Timothy Coetzee is the Chief Research Officer for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.