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是的,我船走锚了。Yes, I am dragging anchor.

不,我船没走锚。No, I am not dragging anchor.

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纤夫们在拖拉一只船。The towers are dragging a ship.

你的大衣拖到泥里了。Your coat's dragging in the mud.

你的大衣拖到泥上了。Your coat is dragging in the mud.

马用力拉着重载。The horse was dragging a heavy load.

马拖运着沉重的货物。The horse was dragging a heavy load.

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他们在湖中捞鱼。They are dragging the lake for fish.

爱是在桑寄生下拉她的手。Love is dragging her under the loranthus.

她拖着疼痛的双脚慢慢地移动。She moved slowly, dragging her sore feet.

一是从现有的节点上拖动出来。One is dragging away from an existing node.

你船前方的船舶走锚了。The vessel ahead of you is dragging anchor.

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你船后面的船舶走锚了。The vessel astern of you is dragging anchor.

这阵热浪已使每个人感到倦怠。This heat wave has everyone dragging around.

Drake拖着一条干树经过这条街。Drake is dragging a dry tree along the street.

接着继续把我拖来拖去。He went on dragging me around the living room.

男孩一路上拖着外衣蹒跚地走着。The boy was dragging his coat along the ground.

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他们都是拖拉着右脚走路。Both are dragging their right foot as they walk.

然后康妮把他向她的新丈夫拽着。Then Connie was dragging him to her new husband.

他慢慢地走着,每迈一步都费很大的劲。He walked slowly, his legs dragging with each step.