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他缺乏船艺知识。He lacks of seamanship.

他们广泛的渔业贸易是航海技术的一个良好的养成所。Their extensive fishing trade was an excellent nursery for seamanship.

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贸易是航海技术的一个良好的养成所。Their extensive fishing trade was an excellent nursery for seamanship.

为了学习船舶驾驶技巧,我做了航海图、浮标和船艇的模型。To help understand seamanship techniques, I made model charts, buoys, and boats.

在选择海洋之子能力之前,掠袭者必需已经选择了天生水手能力。Raider must have the Seamanship Special Ability before he or she can select Son of the Sea.

在选择海洋之子能力之前,掠袭者必需已经选择了天生水手能力。A Raider must have the Seamanship Special Ability before he or she can select Son of the Sea.

本文针对目前船艺学课堂教学存在的局限性,介绍了一种船舱结构CAI软件的设计方法。Aiming at localization of Seamanship teaching at present, the paper introduced a method of designing ship's hold structure CAI software.

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尽管如此,他仍旧表现出惊人的毅力、决心和驾驶技术,让帆船始终接近全速前进。He has, however, also displayed extraordinary stamina, determination and seamanship in keeping IDEC running close to her full potential.

尽管如此,他仍旧表现出惊人的毅力、决心和驾驶技术,让帆船始终接近全速前进。He has, however, also displayed extraordinary stamina 9, determination and seamanship in keeping IDEC running close to her full potential.

但还要过些年,中国海军才能逐渐掌握空中飞行及海上航行技术,将航母转变成有效力的武器平台。But it will take many years for China's Navy to develop the pilot and seamanship skills to turn the carrier into an effective weapons platform.

但还要过些年,中国海军才能逐渐掌握空中飞行及海上航行技术,将航母转变成有效力的武器平台。But it will take many years for China’s Navy to develop the pilot and seamanship skills to turn the carrier into an effective weapons platform.

就船艺中若干名词术语的定义及英文翻译出现的问题进行了多方位的探讨与分析,并提出了如何正确命名的建议。This paper approaches and analyzes some of the definitions and their English translations in seamanship terminology, and puts forward proposals that give correct definitions.