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罐装鹰嘴豆泥找到出口市场Canned chickpea dip finds export markets

鹰嘴豆蛋白属完全蛋白质。Chickpea protein is considered as a complete protein.

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鹰嘴豆是一种营养价值丰富的豆类作物。Chickpea is a kind of bean crops with rich nutritional value.

黎巴嫩的许多菜肴都风靡整个中东地区,比如鹰嘴豆泥——一种美味的鹰嘴豆酱。a delicious chickpea spread, are pervasive throughout the Middle East.

芝麻酱、鹰嘴豆泥酱,蒜,橄榄油,柠檬汁和土耳其面包。Mashed chickpea blended with tahini, extra virgin olive oil, lemon sauce and thin Turkish bread.

黎巴嫩的许多菜肴都风靡整个中东地区,比如鹰嘴豆泥——一种美味的鹰嘴豆酱。Many dishes, such as hummus, a delicious chickpea spread, are pervasive throughout the Middle East.

黎巴嫩的许多菜肴都风靡整个中东地区,比如鹰嘴豆泥——一种美味的鹰嘴豆酱。Many dishes, such as hummus10, a delicious chickpea spread, are pervasive throughout the Middle East.

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所有不同直径根轴向阻力测定平均值为计算值的3.8倍。The mean axial resistance of measurement was 3.8 times as much as that of calculation for chickpea roots.

鹰嘴豆粉可蜕去死皮,给你丝般光滑的肤质。牛奶则会强健你整个身体。The chickpea flour sloughs off dead skin to give unimagined silkiness and the milk will firm up the entire body.

潘尼斯--Panisse--是一种源自法国南方的鹰嘴豆粉糕饼,也是1930年代一个电影系列中的男主角名字。Panisse is a chickpea flour cake from the south of France. It is also the name of a kind male character in a 1930s film series.

半定量RT-PCR分析表明,ZF3在鹰嘴豆的根、茎、叶、花、幼荚和幼胚中均有表达。Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that ZF3 was expressed in root, stem, leaf, flower, immature pod and embryo of chickpea.

本实验以石油醚为溶剂,采用索氏提取法提取了来自不同产地的鹰嘴豆种子中的脂肪酸。The type of chickpea isofalvonoids was analyzed by HPLC and UV. The results show that there were more than twelve types of isoflavonoids in chickpea.

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鉴于鹰嘴豆既有明显的药用价值,又具备一定的食疗特征,本论文对鹰嘴豆的化学成分进行了系统的研究。Because of its medical and therapeutic value, this paper conducts a thorough and systematical study into the main chemical constituents in chickpea seeds.

不同来源的食用豆类种质资源品质性状比较结果表明,国内绿豆种质资源粗蛋白含量明显优于国外种质资源。The variation of each trait among food legumes accessions revealed different, therein protein content of Common bean and Chickpea as well as starch content of cowpea varied most.

从微量元素角度分析,卡布里类型鹰嘴豆是极具开发推广价值的药食两用豆类作物。To determine and analyze the contents of trace elements in Kabuli chickpea, trace elements in Kabuli chickpea were determined with inductive coupled plasma emission spectrometer.

通过根系分隔盆栽试验,研究了油菜和鹰嘴豆对小麦生长及锰营养的影响。A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of rapeseed and chickpea on the growth and Mn nutrition of wheat in intercropping systems under different root barriers pattern.

虽然很多士兵在美军基地吃着美式食品,但那些被派到农村和街道的士兵很快就对羊肉、大饼和无处不在的鹰嘴豆有所了解。While many take their meals on U.S. bases there that serve American-style food, those sent to villages and neighborhoods quickly learn about lamb, flat bread, and the ubiquitous chickpea.