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他愤怒地噔噔走出了屋子。He stomped out of the room in high dudgeon.

他愤怒地噔噔走出了屋子。He stomped out of the room in high dudgeon.

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华盛顿的企业对这项计划非常不满。Washington businesses are in high dudgeon over the plan.

这只会增加美国天主教右派的怨气。This only heightened the dudgeon of the American Catholic right.

曼联确认乔。道金完成了到赫尔城的转会。United can confirm that Joe Dudgeon has completed his proposed move to Hull City.

看着别人事业成功,或者年轻貌美时,人们难免妒忌愤恨。People are booked for heartburn and dudgeon over other achievers and young beauties.

上世纪50年代以来,长江的鱼类资源已经开始骤降,这可能限制了江豚的复苏,达吉恩说。Yangtze fish stocks have plunged since the 1950s, possibly limiting the porpoise's recovery, says Dudgeon.

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乔。道根觉得在战胜了维根之后,曼联预备队正在开创历史。Joe Dudgeon feels United's Reserves are building up menacing momentum, after Thursday's 2-1 win over Wigan.

1966年,鸟特松还未来得及完成内部设计便愤然离开澳大利亚,一去不返。Utzon left Australia in high dudgeon in 1966, never to return, before he could finish designing the interiors.

愤怒中离开澳大利亚,再也没有迴头,当时,他还没有完成这座建筑的内部设计。Utzon left Australia in high dudgeon in l966, never to return, before he could finish designing the interiors.

于是群炮齐放,驱逐舰搜索海面,整个庞大舰队慌忙而又愤怒地驶出海外。Guns were fired, destroyers thrashed the waters, and the whole gigantic armada put to SEA in haste and dudgeon.

结果,处于这种专制制度下的人们用引爆自己身体的方式来表达他们对美国入侵的忿恨。As a result, the people under this despotic policy explode themselves in order to express their dudgeon against American insult.

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基恩被封堵的射门弹到了禁区边缘,杜金打出一脚惊天抽射飞进远角。Keane's blocked shot looped up to the edge of the box, where Dudgeon twisted and unleashed a quite breathtaking volley into the far corner.

本文也探讨十九世纪晚期苏格兰出现的社会、经济与公共卫生问题,如何影响德贞对中国生活方式和社会文化的评价。This paper argues that Dudgeon was prompted to scrutinize the shortcomings of public health measures in Britain by his medical observations in China.

来自罗比。布拉迪和乔。道金的进球为曼联拿到了一场胜利,他们在客场受到的欢迎和主场差不多。Goals from Robbie Brady and Joe Dudgeon sealed victory for the Reds, who were in the surreal position of being hosted at Moss Lane by the stadium's owners.

道根和他的同事们周四对维根经历了苦战,但他认为曼联已经习惯了强悍的对手。Dudgeon and his colleagues came in for some rough treatment from the Latics on Thursday, but he insists that the Reds are used to overcoming physical opposition.

最近几个赛季,预备队的比赛时有拖延,道根觉得曼联将会从被赛季比较正常的赛程中获益。In recent seasons, the Reserves' fixtures have been sporadic at best due to a glut of postponements, and Dudgeon feels the Reds are benefiting from having an uninterrupted fixture list this term.