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Kiosk是指一个小屋或小棚。A kiosk is a little hut or shelter.

我们在一家小亭里吃汉堡包。We were eating hamburgers at a kiosk.

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我需要换钱,你知道外币兑换处在哪?Do you know where the foreign exchange kiosk is?

我要去售货亭,要不要我给你带点饮料?I am heading to the kiosk , can I get you beverage?

今天,12,000人在这些公用电话亭存钱。Today, 12,000 people save money at this kiosk alone.

如果走累了,还可以在小亭里歇歇。If you feel tired, you can rest a while in the kiosk.

我和叔叔排队站在汉堡包摊前。Uncle and I are standing in line at the hamburger kiosk.

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用户界面的文档可能由书报亭提供。the customer interface documents may be provided via a kiosk.

附近一定有一间卖电话卡的售货亭。There must be a kiosk selling phone cards around here somewhere.

肥莱尔岛上做著名的建筑是图拉真亭子。One of the most famous buildings at Philae is the Kiosk of Trajan.

在附近的亭子里有个老婆婆在卖巧克力和香烟。Nearby, an old woman sells chocolate and cigarettes from a tiny kiosk.

在东索韦托,每个供水亭有四个或六个厕所和两个淋浴。In Soweto East, each kiosk has four to six toilets and a couple of showers.

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这个亭子是被用于临时性的街边买卖的,或是用于手工艺品贸易市场。The kiosk is designed to be used for temporary street markets or handicraft fairs.

例如,公用信息亭张贴的城镇地图就是世界中的消息。A kiosk showing a printed map of downtown, for example, is information in the world.

同时,有一个打印出来的邀请人们来你自制的咨询服务站的标志将会更加吸引用户。Having a separate printed sign that invites people to your home-made kiosk may help.

此刻,夜很静,八楼的楼顶,阳台就是一小亭院。At the moment, very quiet night, the eighth floor rooftop terrace is a kiosk hospital.

该环境下是否有足够的空间来摆放信息亭?信息亭是否会妨碍交通或者行走?。Is there sufficient room for the kiosk and kiosk traffic without impeding other user traffic?

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卖进口产品给外国人的亭子,哈哈,中国产的雪碧还是2001年的。Kiosk that sells foreign product to tourists, as in snickers chinese sprite and lays from 2001.

该方法从局部到整体,以全新的视角研究了报刊亭个性化定制设计的方法。This method is a new angle of view for the newspaper kiosk design which from part to macrocosm.

你专注地阅读着,并在你最喜欢的报亭买它,希望能找到一些不错的阅读内容。Rolling your eyes, you still buy it at your favorite kiosk hoping to find good reading material.