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不确定性缘何如此危险?Why is uncertainty so dangerous?

确实有很多不确定性。There is a lot of uncertainty in it.

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所以这是不准确原理。So this is the Uncertainty Principle.

我跳入测不准原理。I leap into the uncertainty principle.

不确定范围与信心准位。Confidence Level and Uncertainty Limit.

这让很多人都摸不透我。I let a lot of uncertainty in all this.

它导致测量误差。It leads to uncertainty in the measure.

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但变幻无常更为美丽。but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

我测量的不确定度就是这个。That's the uncertainty of my measurement.

没有人知道如何平息这样的情绪。No one knows how to quell the uncertainty.

而且食物供给也不稳定uncertainty of the food supply and the like.

因为有很多不确定性。I mean there is a lot of uncertainty in that.

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最终的结果是不确定性增加。The net result is that uncertainty increases.

不确定项用有界范数来刻画。The uncertainty is described by bounded norm.

胖瘦高矮同样是不确定的词。Fat, thin, tall, short are words of uncertainty.

就像市场经济一样,决策者不想出现不确定因素。Like markets, policy-makers dislike uncertainty.

需要找到将不确定性量化的方法。Ways of quantifying this uncertainty are needed.

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你开始了踌躇,开始了疑虑。You start irresolute, start worry in uncertainty.

每条知识都有内在的不确定性。Every piece of knowledge has inherent uncertainty.

我们学习过海森堡的测不准原理。We studied the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.