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我把你的文件丢了,纯粹是碰上倒霉事了。I lost your file by pure mischance.

人都必须考虑灾难的可能性。One has to consider the chance of a mischance.

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后来,丽莎又不幸掉进到岩石间一口深深的罅隙里。Later, by mischance Elsa falls down into a deep crevice.

只有发生严重的意外才会使他明天到不了。Onlyaserious mischance will prevent him from arriving tomorrow.

这场灾难使这一地区变为废墟并使该地区的交通陷入瘫痪。This mischance made this area result in ruins and discommodious traffic.

现在我们所需要的是一个附加条款,对诸如鼠害等意外事件作出规定。What we need now is a saving clause in case of some unforeseen mischance , such as damage by rats , etc.

煤矿安全事故频发给无数家庭带来了灾难,也给社会造成了严重的经济损失。Coal mine safety accidents had gave mischance for millions of families, made severe economic damnify for our society.

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当时很乱有不少和平人士,但很不幸他们都被捕了。Conditions are very terrible , there are a lot of gentle people , but they are very mischance. They were under arrest.

印刷企业实现计算机网络化管理应具备什么条件?。What mischance the printing enterprises in the process of achieving computer network management and what conditions they possess?

他心里一直在探寻着维罗尼卡那神秘莫测的美丽,本来兴高采烈的心情,也被这不幸的化学过敏事件驱散得无影无踪。His mind had been exploring the abysmal possibility of Veronica's beauty and high spirits being removed from the world by a chemical mischance.

他的心一直在琢磨着维罗妮卡的美和活泼的精神因一次不幸的化学反映而离开这个人世的糟糕透顶的可能性。His mind had been exploring the abysmal possibility of Veronica’s beauty and high spirits being removed from the world by a chemical mischance.

对于他们来说,灾难只是刚刚开始,怪物女儿和女婿的到来,给他们带来惊吓之余也感觉到自己的生命也受到了威胁。For theirselves , the mischance was just a beginning. They felt their lives are threatened while they were shocked with the coming of the two ogres.

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汶川人民在汶川地震中遭受了巨大灾难,但中国人民不会弃人于危难之中,我们都给予汶川人民帮助。The people of Wen Chuan suffer a great mischance in Wen Chuan earthquake, but Chinese people are not the one leaving someone in the lurch. We all give a land to When Chuan people.