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上述的每一数量都能被等于或不等于表述。Each of the aforesaid quantities is said to be equal or unequal.

这一系列研究表明银屑病是典型的心身疾病。The aforesaid series of studies shows that psoriasis is a psychosomatic disease.

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用人单位依据前述规定,均可以终止劳动合同。The employer may, on the basis of aforesaid regulation, terminate the labor contract.

除上述情况外,应视为此种装运器具即是件或单位。Except as aforesaid such article of transport shall be considered the package or unit.

外汇管理机关有权对前款规定事项进行监督检查。Foreign exchange control agencies are entitled to regulate and inspect aforesaid issues.

办理上述代办业务的代理合同,须报中国人民银行经济特区分行备案。The agency contracts on the aforesaid business shall be reported to the SEZ branch for record.

尽管存在以上几点因素,他们使用英文进行辩护和辩论的水准却相当令人叹服。Given the aforesaid factors the standard of English of advocacy amongst them is surely very impressive.

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官办社团解决纠纷处于上述的两难之中,是由整个时代背景所决定的。Official associations seeming to be in the aforesaid dilemma is determined by the whole era background.

不得向合营企业收取外币或外汇兑换券。Joint ventures shall not pay foreign currency or foreign exchange certificate to the aforesaid establishments.

登记事项变更是指上述事项以外的其他事项的变更。The alteration of registration matters refers to changes on matters not mentioned in the aforesaid paragraphs.

土地庙等后出郭煌遗书是上述观点的实物例证。Dunhuang books later recovered from places like temples of local gods are material proof of the aforesaid view.

您是否会对马琴、谭璐家人以及陈强遗孀的困境感到同情呢?Do you sympathize with the plight of Ma Qin, the family of Tan Lu and Chen Qiang's widow in all the aforesaid cases?

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甲方许可乙方使用上述配方,乙方不得再许可第三方使用。Party A authorizes Party B to use aforesaid formulas, however Party B shall not authorizes a third party to use them.

尽管委托人多次要求贵方还款,贵方未曾、至今仍然没有清缴上述款项。Despites repeated requests and demands of our client, you failed and still fail to pay the aforesaid sum to our client.

资费上限标准暂按现行资费标准执行。The maximum standards for the aforesaid charges shall be temporarily implemented according the current charging standards.

前述部分撤军行动可望自加萨走廊先开始,且约旦河西岸南部城镇伯利恒和希布伦亦可能撤军。The aforesaid pullback may start from the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, troops may also be pulled out from Bethlehem and Hebron.

上述状况和政策未经公布,不得作为拒绝申请的理由。Without being promulgated, the aforesaid competition and policies may not be taken as the basis for rejecting applications.

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学校或主管机关之性别平等教育委员会处理前项事件时,得成立调查小组调查之。The Gender Equity Education Committee of the school or competent authority may form an investigation team for the aforesaid case.

上述人员须报知识产权门户网站管理部门备案。The aforesaid person shall be reported to the administrative department of the Intellectual Property Portals for archival filing.

对于上述系统中没有的涉外重点税源企业,要单独建立档案。A single archive shall be established for the foreign-related key tax source enterprises that do not exist in the aforesaid System.